The Paintings of Delly.

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Peeta's POV;

After our fight, I went back and laid down in the dark. A few minuets later she came and cuddled into me without a word. We fell asleep like that. My dreams were filled with nightmares. But unlike Katniss, I don't thrash and scream; I lay still sweating and paralyzed with fear until morning comes. And when it finally does, I usually busy myself with something having to do with Katniss. Wether it be cooking for her, cuddling with her, or helping her with nightmares. Sometimes I paint, sometimes I bake for fun.

I used to bake all the time. I'd paint pretty flowers all over the cakes in the bakery. One time, the day of Katniss's birthday I made her a cake. With flowers and hearts, I had all intentions to give it to her. I walked to her house with the letter I wrote admitting my love to her. When I reached her small seam house, Gale was outside. He saw the cake and smashed it at my feet before I could even stop walking. I angrily told him that cake cost more then he'll ever make and walked off.

I started painting in my room when I found extra money on delivery days. I always painted Katniss, until Delly came along. She was jealous of my affection to Katniss and insisted I paint her. So I did, they weren't as good though. They were actually my worst ones ever.

Our breakup was terrible. It turned out she was sleeping around twelve with various guys for money. She came to get her few things from my house. I had smashed the paintings I did right in front of her. Yes she cried but it had to be done.

My parents always approved of her. A good town girl who has money behind her name, why wouldn't they? I could have married into the family and we would have helped the business a lot. But soon my parents saw our worsening relationship and my parents sent my brother to be with her. She was instantly swooning to him and their relationship took off. They were together even during the victory your.

When I got home, it's like my family shunned me. I got the drift they wanted me to die early into coming home. After I moved into the victor's village my parents were split on wether to move with me. I would have allowed it, but my father being the man he is said no. He wanted to work for a house like that, not be handed one. My mother on the other hand quickly agreed to moving in. I wouldn't let just her come though, I wouldn't have been able to deal with the abuse.

Katniss tosses and turns in her sleep mumbling strange things into my side. I pull her close and hold her tight so if she wakes she knows she safe. I don't fall asleep again that night, I listen to the sounds of the woods. I hate it here, but to Katniss this is like her second home. But I guess according to what I've heard the small cement house was once her house a long time ago.

When the sun is finally rising Cressida is the first up. She doesn't know I'm awake but I watch her slowly walk to Gale with a sad look in her eyes. She combs her fingers through his hair before placing a gentle kiss on his lips. He pulls her down into his arms and holds her tight. I shake Katniss and point to the pair and she sits up smiling.

Silently Katniss finds one of their cameras and snaps a picture. It makes a sound so if course they hear us. "Go back to sleep." She whispers to them. Both of them smile widely before kissing one last time and falling asleep together.

She doesn't say anything as she lays back down and breaths slowly. I want to speak with her about what happened yesterday, but she has bigger things to deal with. I sigh and let her cuddle while we wait for the rest of the sun to rise. When it finally does I stand and make a small fire with a lighter from Katniss's pocket I fished out a few seconds before. I cut the small meat and start to the lake and sit down to wash them off.

A branch cracks behind me and I jump, but when I turn it's her. "It's just me." She sighs sitting down. I stay silent as I clean the meat carefully. "Do you need help?" She asks.

"I'm fine." I say shortly. I finish three quarters of the meat edited she talks again.

"Your mad aren't you?"

"Kind of, yeah." I nod.

"Because I yelled?" She asks.

"And because the thought of being a parent came up you looked like you were going to puke."

"I didn't mean it Peeta." She she quickly. "I just don't want our kids to go through what we did." She admits.

"And they won't." I take her hands. "You and I would be amazing parents." I assure her calmly.

"I'm scared. I don't want to screw them up. We aren't exactly perfect people."

"But we aren't far. We've seen and done some bad things sure. But that doesn't mean we are bad people."

She sighs and leans into me. I kiss her temple gently and she slides into my lap kissing me hard. Her legs stratle mine and she runs her fingers along the length of my waist. Her mouth opens letting me in more and I let my tongue slip in. Suddenly I feel like someone could find us at anytime and I break the kiss.

"I didn't mean we had to start now." I say and she giggles. I stand collecting the pieces of meat and walk back to the fire.

Together we roast them and ready the food for the rest of the squad. Things might finally be okay.


Hey guys! So I've updated a bunch today because after today I won't have wifi so I can't update. I'll be hunting but I'll still try and write some chapters to post when I have wifi next.


ALSO GO READ LaurenRoss173's new story Hijacked. It's so good and amazing.

Thanks again!

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