We Are One.

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Peeta's POV;

I look up in horror, first at Katniss. Who already has her eyes fixated on the speaker. I feel her grip loosen on my fingers as I tighten them. I step closer to Castor. "She needs to leave, we have a restraining order against her." I whisper.

He looks to the two big bulky men we had here in case something like this happened. I nod and they push her from the meadow and hopefully into a mental institution. "Now that uhm, that was dealt with. We can continue."

I nod. "Do you Katniss, take Peeta to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." She nods, her eyes look more sure and determined then I've ever seen them. 

"And do you Peeta, take Katniss to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"Oh trust me, I do." I smile at her.

"Well, then by the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife. Peeta you may kiss your bride."

I smile and take her face in my hands kissing her. She is my wife

We are one.

Katniss's POV;

He kisses me with as much passion as lust he can give, as I do the same. I am his wife, he is my husband.

After we kiss, he holds my hand up like we did in the first tribute parade. Everyone cheers around us throwing flowers. I laugh and take his hand in mine as we walk down the isle. The brides maids and best men follow behind us with their pairs.

And now comes the good part.


Later that night.

The building is dark, light only by the candles on the tables and the flashing neon lights on the wall. This is what we call the after-party. Peeta and I didn't plan this, all the rest of our friends did.

There's a dance floor, to the far left. Where they play music that radiates through the whole building. I sit at a table with my girls, watching Peeta take a shot. The rest of the guys pull him to the dance floor, where together they all start dancing. "Come on Katniss!" Annie begs standing.

"Oh no, I'm not a dancer. You all go ahead I'll come out later." I say and they shrug walking to the boys and dancing along with them. 

Someone takes the seat next to me almost as quickly as the girls left. The person places a hand on my arm and I look up. "Blain." I sigh hugging him. "How are you?" His cheeks are hallowed, he looks like a train wreck but still wears a smile

"I'm good, you know things could be better. But I'm being treated well, I found out it was a boy. And they have me a sonogram picture of it before they took it out."

I nod with a light smile not knowing hat to say to that. "Sorry I couldn't come visit sooner, I just had some stuff to work out." I feel my eyes go huge.

"Please Blaine, don't worry about it. I've been in your position. Twice I'll have you know." I say with a frown.

We both see Peeta making his way towards us, with a beer bottle in hand. Blaine stands and reaches out his hand. "Congrats." He stays before rushing off.

Peeta begins to dance next to me. "Don't you just want to dance, Kat?" He asks.

"Uhm, I don't dance." I say quiet awkwardly.

"Nonsense." He shakes his head. He begins to lift my from my chair as my fingers try to hold onto it's arm.

"No no no, Peeta!" I squeal as he pries me from my soft chair. All he does is laugh as he pulls me into the crowd of people. He doesn't hesitate to do some awkward, strange dance by himself. Then Gale joins him, them both doing a strange dance.

"Come on, it's not hard! Just move your hips ... like this." He says placing his hands on my hips and swaying them side to side. I laugh swaying my hips in my white dress, it's not my wedding dress. A shorter tighter one, it's easier to move, dance, and walk in. "See it's not too hard." He laughs kissing me.

After a few minuets I get the hang of it, I stand my back pressed against his chest. I continue to sway my hips, he holds them as Cressida walks to us. "Shots anyone?" I look to Peeta who nods and leads us from the dance floor.

Of course, Haymitch is leading the shots today. He hands me a small tiny glass with a dark brown liquid. He does a countdown and then I throw the drink back. I turn to Peeta and he takes off his jacket, he then rolls up his sleeves to his elbows. Subtly I push him from the crowd and against a wall. I kiss him slowly. "You are so handsome." I mumble.

"Your so sexy." He whispers. Our kissing continues until a voice books in our ears.

"Would the bride and groom make their way to the dance floor for their first dance." I pull my dress back up and take his hand as we make our way towards the floor. He puts my hands around his neck on his shoulders, he lays his around my waist. After a minuet, I pull closer and rest my head on his chest.

"This is crazy." I hear him breath into my hair as we take tiny steps in a dance.

"I know." I reply.

I look up him and place my hand on his cheek and kiss him. Cameras flash widely all around us as we continue to kiss. We get so wrapped up in the kiss we don't hear the song change. But I do feel a tap on my shoulder. It's Mac. "Father daughter dance?" He holds a hand out to me.

I look to Peeta, his eyes flicker to Haymitch. I turn not speaking a word to Mac as I walk to my old mentor. "It's time for the father, daughter dance." I smile he takes my outstretched hand and we walk into the center where Peeta and I just stood. I put my hands on his shoulders also, he looks down at me with such pride, and compassion a person can have.

"I'm so proud of you sweetheart." He smiles.

I look to Peeta who's watching us with his guy friends. He takes a drink of a beer bottle.

"Thank you." I say. "For always being there for me. Not giving up on me, especially when Peeta couldn't be there for me. I don't know where i'd be without you." I speak with honesty.

"Oh sweetheart, I knew you'd do great things, I also knew ever since his heart stopped in the quell you were stuck. You'd never get over him, ever."

"I think your right." I whisper. "I just- I can't even fathom where we came from, our past, and to what we are now." I say beginning to tear up.

"Come mere' sweetie." He mumbles pulling me into his chest, where I lay there softly crying until the song is over.

Gradually, the people begin to leave, as do Peeta and I. Except we are off to district four, where our honeymoon will commence.

The ride is half an hour on the Capitol trains, Peeta is sleeping off the small amount of alcohol he drank tonight. He sleeps the whole way to the district, and when we arrive he proceeds to carry me into the door of our rented house. We'll stay here a week and a half, and hopefully by the end of our stay I'll be pregnant with his child.

We lay in bed, in our underwear. He's reading a book he found on the train, I'm still observing my ring. It's fascinating. The large stone, and the smaller ones surrounding it, together they make a diamond army.

I turn it over in my fingers and it hits the light just right. I flip it back over quickly and find what I say seconds ago.

On the back, in small nest cursive letters, our promise to each other is engraved.


I look at him, he pays no mind to me until I throw his book on the nightstand. I crawl on top of him and kiss him hard.

He kisses me back with passion, and my hips involuntarily rotate on top of him. In one swift motion he flips us so he's on top, he takes off my bra slowly as he trails kisses up and down my torso.  He doesn't hesitate to kiss each of my scars, like he does each time we make love.

That night it feels different. We take each other much more serious than usual.

For I am Katniss Mellark.

We are one.

I do, I need you. #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now