The Dinner Table.

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Haymitch and Effie had gotten the call late last night also. Since all of the remaining victors has taken residence in district twelve, the gamemakers would be randomly selecting certain people for each district. We are all mentors now, our only job to be coaching our specific tributes into death. It's gonna be hard, I'll admit that. But with them being Capitol children, that'll make it a little better for my to justify it.

After we got the call, neither of us slept. We just laid in bed holding each other close. The announcement for the games would be that morning at seven, three hours from then. As we laid there he rubbed my stomach assuring me everything would be okay. But then, he told me none of this would even be happening if I had voted no that day. He got mad and walked from the room at about six thirty, then after that we ate breakfast and sat down on the couch. Where we sit now and wait for the announcement.

Peeta's arm hugs my side and I lean my head on his shoulder. Even though we may not always get along, we are always there for each other. Because we keep each other grounded, we love each other; and without the other we wouldn't be the person we are today. A new Capitol logo appears, of a peacekeepers pointing a gun at a young woman's head. The figures are blackened so you can't see anything, but I know who the girl is. Me. I can't remember which time it was though, I've been threatened countless times by a peacekeeper and a gun.

Why would they use this logo? Then the best part plays. "The greatest thing we can give is our lives." The voice of the evil Alma Coin rings in my ears.

The camera pans to the regular spot where snow used to announce the quarter quell rules. "Welcome." She says, her lips purse into a thin line. "The time has come for a special event. An event of a lifetime, people will speaking for generations after us. As of a year ago, the living victors of previous evil hunger games decided on having a Hunger Games with the capitols children. President Snow's granddaughter being one of the many tributes to come. With Katniss Everdeen and Haymitch Abernathy being the deciding vote, they decided we must have one. In honor of all the deaths that have come throughout the war. So, in honor of Panem's astonishing uprising against a tyrant, we will hold a symbolic hunger games. Filled with Capitol children." There's a pause as the crowds boos and some of them cheer.

The ones cheering are the ones in district clothes. "The tributes are as followed..." She starts rattling off names. All of the names of children of previous Capitol government officials. She starts speaking again. "These children are to be held in the training center until the games are held. The previous victors shall arrive in the Capitol and be assigned tributes. And maybe we'll get some inside information on the star crossed lovers of district twelve Thank you for watching."

The screen goes black. "We should gather our things." Peeta says. I nod and stand as we walk up the stairs together. "Don't bring clothes,  they'll just dress us up like dolls anyways."

I nod and he turns around digging through his clothes anyways. I sigh and wrap my arms around his waist. He stops digging and he hands touch mine. "I love you." I remind him.

"Oh, I love you too Katniss." He says. He turns and faces me. His arms snake around my waist and my hands find the back of his neck and twist in his curls. He finally brings his lips to mine and something exploded in my stomach. It's the hunger, that I felt in the cave, on the beach. He rests his hands on my butt and mine stay tangled in his golden locks. "Your gorgeous."

"No, I'm Katniss." I smile into his chest.

"Oh, you know what I mean." He gently pushes me away I land on the bed and he climbs on top of me. His lips graze over mine and just as he's about to kiss me, he turns and pulls my shirt up. He scatters kisses all over my stomach. Im showing now, anybody with eyes can see it. Should take some of the publicity off of the games.

I do, I need you. #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now