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The train was dark, seeing that if was three in the morning I couldn't see well. I stumbled myself to the station and then took a seat on the nearly empty train. Only two other people were there, a woman. Too done up and beautiful, she must be from the Capitol.

A man, who's dressed in dark clothes. With a rip in the left knee, and tear at the cuff of his right sleeve. He pulls an apple from his pocket, and I watch him shine it on his pant leg and take a bite from it. The sound fills the silent train.

And then, I want Peeta. I want his strong arms wrapped around me, I want his lips on mine. I wan him coming here with me. I want him to protect me; to tell me everything will be okay. To reassure me and tell me nothing bag will happen as long as he's by my side.

The train screeches to a stop and the voice over the intercom screams telling us to get off the train. I get off and it's ten minuets till I need to be there, so I start to make my way towards it. My feet travel quickly not daring to be late in fear of what they might do to me.

They may lock me up for life, or kill me, or hurt my family. None of those things I can bear to loose anymore.

I sling my bow over my shoulder and push both the oak double doors open. Everyone in the court room looks at me with mouths open in shock. Violet Coin looks at me with fire in her evil rat eyes. "And here." She announces. "We have a perfect example of someone so detrimental to our society." She points to the bow on my back. "Someone ... So eager to fight. So eager to start a war they came prepared to kill even if we just wanted to speak to her of my mothers death." She finally looks to me. "Miss Everdeen, have a seat, please."

She points to the small table in the front right hand side of the room. "Hello, I am your laywer." A woman shakes my hand firmly.

"Hello." I nod.

"I would like to call Katniss Everdeen to the stand." Coin's laywer motions to the seat in front of everyone. I stand and bring my bow with me, not because I want to. But because I know it's really pissing off Violet Coin.

They swear me in, with some oath and a bible. Of course I'll tell the truth, I've done practically nothing wrong. I see a man with a camera as he gets close to my face, as much as I want to look away I'm entranced by my own appearance. Fierce. Just like during the war times. I settle my eyes onto Coin's laywer, who crazily looks just like a rat also.

"Miss Everdeen, is it correct to assume that you've always had quiet a nice relationship with President Alma Coin?" She asks.

"Do you want my opinion? Or what other people belief, what she believed." I say a bit too angrily. "Because those two things are completely different stories."

"Let's start with what other people think firstly." She tells me.

"Other people believed, that she was doing what was best for the revolution. What was best to keep her troops and her district alive."

"And do you believe that?" She asks.

"Not for a second." I shake my head.

The camera zooms closer into my face. "So it's safe to assure you didn't trust Alma Coin?"

"Yes, it is." I agree.

"Alright." She reads something in her book silently and then turns her attention back to me. "So, can you explain to us what Alma Coin ever did to you?"

"Sent us on a mission to get my fiancée captured and tortured for months, put our whole nation in danger with her idiotic calls. She sent untrained soldiers into-"

"I asked what she did to you." Her tiny ray eyes bore into mine. I take a deep breath before starting again.

"She told us an area was clear when she in fact knew a bomb system from the Capitol was coming and we almost died. She also would send us on excruciating missions sometimes with no meaning or purpose at all."

"Fair enough. No further questions."

I sit back down and my lawyer tells me to keep quiet. But he's right, I've never been the talker of start crossed lovers. "Alright." I agree.

The trial goes on without me having to speak another word. I'm glad. I feel so bad for Peeta, having to watch my trial on television with a tiny Rye in his arms.

"Miss Everdeen, please stand." The judge says motioning for me to stand. I do so and he begins to bellow my punishment. "I sentence you to one month in the state and Capitol prison. Three visitation passes and three phone calls,  and all restrictions will be put in place."

A few silent tears fall down my cheeks as they place handcuffs on my wrists. My poor child, poor fiancée. Peeta's probably already on his way here, to comfort me. I really need it right now.

They push my head into a car as the cameras flash around me. Then I see it. Her. Her hair swings as she continues to take pictures. She has won. I can't protect Peeta anymore. I can't protect my newborn baby. She'll win, she'll get him. They'll to back after this and she'll win him over. I'll have no one, he'll take Rye; since he's the one who's always wanted kids. Not me. I shutter at the thought of loosing them both, what will I do?

When we arrive, there's an awaiting phone call. "This ones on me." A large muscular man says as he hands me the receiver.

"Hello?" I choke out.

"Katniss! Oh my god, I'm do sorry." Peeta sobs from the other end. "I never should have let you go alone I-"

"Peeta stop. Listen to me." I start as my suit begins digging into my thigh. "I saw her again, she tools more pictures." I say.

"I know. I saw her on television."

"Okay, good. Then I need you to stay away from her. She'll do whatever it takes to get to you two. And I don't want that. I want you guys to be waiting when I get out. Will you?"

"Of course we will." He sighs.

"Good." I smile. The guard behind to walk closer to me. "Peeta, I've got to go. I love you and rye, and be careful. And I love you so much!"

"I'm on my way there now, I love you so much!"

"Stay with me?" I breath everything in my brain slowing down.

"Always." He agrees before I'm pushed into black darkness called medically induced sleep.

I do, I need you. #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now