Birthday Party.

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*Almost four months later*

"Peeta!" I call from the couch.

He appears in seconds wearing his apron with flour sticking in his hair. "Yes?" He asks breathlessly.

"Can you get me a glass of water?" I ask with a slight smile.

"Of course." He nods kissing my temple and returning with a glass of water. "How do you feel?" He asks.

"Like shit." I mutter. "This is terrible."

He sighs and pulls me closer. "Oh, I know Katniss. If I could take the pain you know I would. But this is an amazing thing your doing for our family." I smile and nod. He begins to kiss me but the oven beeps and he stands to make sure it doesn't burn.

After a few minuets of struggling I stand and walk into the kitchen. "Katniss!" He whines.

"What?!" I exclaim.

"Go back into the living room! You can't see this!"

"Why?" I ask with a hint of sarcasm in my voice. "Is it a secret?"

"Yes! And a surprise, you'll know tonight."

Lunch time rolls around as he brings it to me in the living room.  We eat together watching another program about animals during the dark days. It's fascinating. A knock on the door grabs my attention and I look towards it. The curtain in front of it makes it impossible to see who's here, but Peeta seems calm as he stands to open it. "Hey guys." He smiles opening it wider for the visitors. In walks all the victors, and my friends, and my mother.

"Mom!" I half shout. We rush towards each other and she looks at me.

"Look at you." She whispers. "Your so beautiful." She hugs me and kisses my cheek and I see Gale speaking with Peeta. They both smile and hug and then Annie and Finn arrive and people place brightly colored packages on the table

Peeta comes placing a hand on the small of my back. "Why don't you go get changed?" He whispers, I look down at my clothes and see I'm wearing his old shirt and spandex shorts because nothing else fits. I change into a large flowing sweater and jeans, it's not comfortable but it looks nice.

Everyone's scattered around the living room floor and couches when I appear. They smile and Johanna stands to great me. Her stomach is huge. I can't help but let tears spring into my eyes and hug her. "I'm so happy for you." She nods and doesn't say anything.

Brutus taps my shoulder. "Would you like to meet Cameron?" I nod and smile holding out my hands. Cameron is placed in my arms and I look at the beautiful baby.

"He's perfect." I smile at him. Ennobaria comes over and smiles. She's changed her teeth so their no longer pointy. I smile back and hand them their baby. I'm pushed to the kitchen where everyone surrounds the kitchen table.

"Sit down." Peeta smiles.

"What is this?" I look at him. I'm placed in front of a large cake. It's what Peeta was working on this morning, it's a dark green color. With spots of light green, he's made grass from frosting, small candies make the rocks and trees. "It's beautiful." I smile. "But what's it for?"

"Your twentieth birthday." He tells me.

I smile and blow out the candles like I'm told to; then the cake is divided and each person gets a slice. It's so good, rich and moist. We finish and everyone looks at me with waiting eyes. "We brought presents, but if you don't want them we don't have to give them to you." Gale says knowing how much I hate to be given gifts.

"I uhm-"

"Let's put them in the living room, she can look at them after everyone's gone." Peeta cuts in knowing just what to say. Everyone stands to take their presents into the living room and I stand to look at my Peeta.

"You shouldn't have done this, seriously I don't need a birthday party." I smile snaking my arms around him.

"Anything for my princess." He kisses my lips quickly. "You deserve the best and only the best."

"And why is that?" I grin.

"Your carrying my child, your my fiancée, your the best person on earth, and your the strongest person I know."

"Oh your only saying that because I can carry more wood then you can at a time." I tease.

"Oh I beg to differ." He grins.

"Shut up and kiss me." I breath before he smashes our lips together.

"Is the party over? Do we need to leave?" I hear Annie's small house ask behind us.

"It's getting late, we can leave." Johanna says quickly before smiling warmly.

"Okay." I stand by the door and hug each of them as they leave. Effie comes and hugs me as she walks out of the door.

"Oh, by the way, I'm pregnant." She tells me before running into Haymitch's house.

"Effie!" I say but she's already gone. I smile as I close the door for the last person.

I run to Peeta and wrap my arms around him and kiss him quickly. "Let's go see your presents." He suggests and we make our way into the living room. I situate myself on the floor against the couch and he places everything around my feet and legs. I dig through the bags finding mostly maturity clothes. But when I get to Gale's present I find a small camouflage jacket and pair of small hunting shoes.

I hope jr. likes hunting as much as us.

I show Peeta the note and he smiles. "Your due any day aren't you?" He asks helping me up.

"My due date was two days ago, I spoke with the doctor and she said give it a week because of how thin I was. If I still don't go into labor by then they'll have to induce it." I explain to him and we walk upstairs.

I brush my teeth and change my clothes before crawling into bed with him. 

I think back to all the events of today, how everyone came out for me. I snuggle into Peeta and he sighs."So did you like today?"

"I loved today." I correct him.


I wait for him to use the bathroom and then we fall asleep together.

*A few hours later*

I wake in screaming pain. "Peeta!" I shout, I grab my stomach. "P-Peeta! Wake u-up!"

"Wha-?" He asks rubbing his face.

I feel wetness around my crouch, then I hear a faint popping noise.

"I think my water broke."

I do, I need you. #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now