Colonel Travis X Reader

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So, I got the stupid idea to do The Alamo people X Reader. These are based of the movie The Alamo (2004). I'll do Travis, Crockett, Bowie, etc. Please note that I don't really know much about The Battle of The Alamo, but I tried. And because Travis is my favorite, I'll start with him.

I watched as Jim Bowie sharpened his knives, as he does every morning, even though he's not going to fight anyone.

"You know," I ask my brother, "Girls can fight too. Would you mind giving me a-"

Jim shook his head, clearly annoyed, "(Y/N), I've told you many times, women are supposed to take care of the house. Now, take a bucket of water and go clean something."

I groaned as I picked up the water that sat on a corner of a shack.

I ran to The Alamo and knocked on the wooden door.

A male voice said, "Come in."

I slowly opened the door.

"I'm (Y/N) Bowie, a housewife. I was sent here to clean this place."

I looked around the room, but there was only two people inside The Alamo, me and some guy sitting on a desk.

"Just clean the windows," the man said.

He was paying more attention to his piece of paper than to me.

I sighed as I began washing the windows.

The man was quite attractive, and he looked my age too.

"Um...what is your name," I shyly asked the man.

He still wouldn't look up from his paper, and I'm pretty sure he didn't hear what I said.

I tried to ask him again. This time, I thought maybe I should act more polite. I cleared my throat and looked at the man.

"Excuse me, sir," I started, this time, he actually looked at me.

"I'm (Y/N) Bowie, what is your name?"

The man in the blue coat turned his ice blue eyes towards my (E/C) eyes.

"Colonel William Travis."

There's an awkward moment of silence until Colonel Travis brakes it.

"Are you James Bowie's sister?"

I nod my head softly.

"Well, (Y/N), I've always hated your brother, but I never knew he had such a beautiful sister."

When I saw William's smirk, I felt my cheeks turn hot, so I quickly looked back at the windows.

William laughed, a soft laugh then he asked me, "Do you like writing?"

My eyes shone with excitement as I went to sit next to him on his desk.

"Like writing? I love writing!!" I yelled happily.

"Haha okay. Well what do you think about this? Dear Sam Houston, me and my friends-"

"Whoah whoah whoah! Let me stop you right there!" I picked up the pen to fix his mistake, but the pen slipped off the desk.

"I'll get it!" Travis and I yelled at the same time as both of us got off our chairs to get the pen.

I was running to catch the pen, but tripped on my shoelaces and fell on the floor.

Travis was also running, apparently he didn't see my body lying on the floor and tripped over it.

He was on top of me now.

The situation was awkward, and Travis was making it more awkward by giving me this smirk.

"This is cliche," I whispered as I turned my head away from Travis.

Making things even more awkward, Jim Bowie entered The Alamo.

"Jim! T-this isn't what it looks like." I panicked.

Travis quickly planted his lips on mine and let go after ten seconds, him facing my brother. "This is exactly what it looks like, Bowie."

Jim pulled his hair in frustration, "My sister and Travis!!!?? I should have known!!" He left, angrily slamming the door.

I wanted to stand up, but Travis was on top of me, and every time I tried, he'd pinned me down harder.

"Travis," I said as I looked at his ice blue eyes, "why'd you do that?"

He chucked, "It's what you wanted, isn't it?"

"No it isn't..."

He placed his finger on my lip, telling me to quiet down, his finger was soon replaced by his mouth.

I caught myself closing my eyes, kissing back, and smiling.

He was right...this is what I wanted.

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