Insanity (11)

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11- Snitches Get Stitches


The whole school had been outside for more than thirty minutes. The fire was obviously not a drill because there were about three ambulances parked outside the school. Mrs.Ferrell had to go inside the school with the firemen because we were missing a few students. Those few students were X-Ray, Paisley, and Jeremy. Everyone was saying X-Ray was making s'mores. Ashley said Paisley was in the library. And that's also where the fire was. And no one had any idea where Jeremy was.

April had warned me about a fire, but I didn't listen. I was too late to stop anything now. If someone were to die right now, it would be all my fault.

Jared was talking to Brandon about how amazing his birthday party was going to be. But Brandon seemed to be more interested looking at the door of the school, waiting to see who came out of it.

"So since it's going to be Halloween themed," said Jared, "I'm thinking we should throw Aaron in a dark room full of cockroaches."

"Wait, what?" asked Aaron, who only got involved in the conversation because he heard his name.

"I'm throwing you in a dark room full of cockroaches," Jared repeated, this time looking at Aaron.

Aaron mumbled some words that I didn't quite understand. It's a bad habit of his.

Just when I was about to pass out of boredom, one of the teachers blew his whistle, motioning for us to get back inside. Apparently none of my classmates know how to walk in a straight line because all of them were scattered everywhere on the field. Well, all of them except Brandon. He was actually walking in front of me and not talking to anyone. I thought he was only sane one other than me, but then he pulled out a pocket knife and started poking holes in his shirt.

Aaron snatched the knife out of his hands and threw it right at a tree, which was his intended target.

Brandon nodded in approval. "Good aim."

Before Aaron had the chance to thank him, Brandon added, “You might be able to reach that tree, but you'll never reach X-Ray's heart. "

"My god!" Aaron shouted.

Yup, this is what I have to live through all day till the school year ends. And it's barely October! At first, I was fine with only having them for one period. But these stupid lockdowns are ruining everything. If April really is the intruder, I'm telling Mrs.Ferrell even though it damages our friendship. All I really care about right now is figuring out how to end this.

Jared pushed people out of his way so that he could be the first to enter. Many just ignored his bad manners. Jared was Jared. And nobody could change him.

"It's good to be back!" Jared shouted, throwing his hands on the air.

Everyone who didn't know Jared simply glared at him. We, on the other hand, only shrugged it off.

In the distance, we saw a familiar skinny guy running towards us. Behind him was none other than Mrs.Ferrell. Judging by the look on her face, she did not look happy. And slowly walking beside Mrs.Ferrell was Jeremy. His head was down as he approached us.

"These two have a lot of explaining to do," Mrs.Ferrell told Mrs.Gonzalez.

She pointed at X-Ray. "This one keeps changing the story every time I ask why he wasn't outside during the fire." Then she pointed at Jeremy. "And this one is refusing to talk."

"Okay," X-Ray defended. "I'm not changing the story. I told you that I went to the locker rooms to pick up my gym bag, then I sat down to think about life, then I went to the restroom, and then I went to check out the fire."

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