Rise Of The Blue Alpacas

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Silence. Everything was quiet. Too quiet. The only sound the seven friends could hear was the air conditioner and the sound of Gaby's pencil led repeatedly breaking.

Besides Gaby sitting on the bleachers and Kristina off to find a printer, everyone was seated around the stones, preparing for their one hour long speech.

It bothered them how right now they could be home watching the news or playing video games instead of trying to destroy something Gaby summoned.

Devon held a lit, vanilla scented candle and rocked back and forth while covering all his body with his sweater.

Anyssa kept looking over Roger's shoulder to see who kept texting him to make him smile the way he was. She was the jealous type of girlfriend, even though they weren't technically dating.

Katia had borrowed Gaby's phone to read fanfiction, since Elizabeth had borrowed her phone and ear buds to listen to Fall Out Boy.

Everyone, except Devon, was enjoying the few minutes of peace and quiet, until...

Roger bursted out laughing, startling Anyssa and making her fall backwards.

Devon shrieked and his vanilla scented candle went flying.

"This is the second time this happens. Roger, get off your phone. Devon, give me the matches." Gaby said once she stomped on all the flames on the floor.

The group got quiet again, but not for long. Faint footsteps were heard in the hallways.

"It's the alpacas! Guys I'm so sorry! Let them eat me!" Devon freaked out, pulling his hood over his eyes and running to a corner.

As the footsteps got closer and closer, Devon bit his hand because he was nervous.

He slowly faced to his right and saw a chair. He picked it up, and carefully walked to the doorway.

He held it over his head and waited.

"Is anyone going to tell him?" Katia asked, turning off Gaby's phone and paying attention to what was happening.

"Nah, wait. I want to see what happens," Anyssa replies, clearly interested for she crossed her legs and had a hand resting on her chin.

A few seconds later Kristina walked in, papers in hand.

"Kill the alpaca!" Devon yelled before throwing the chair at Kristina.

Kristina dropped the papers and held one hand in front of her face and the other in the direction of Devon.

Luckily, Devon can't throw and the chair landed on the floor. It was then that he realized it was Kristina, not an alpaca.

The first thing he did was rush to Kristina and see if he hurt her in any way. Her heart was beating at a normal pace and no bruises were seen. Devon sighed in relief.

"Sorry," Devon says, avoiding eye contact and helping Kristina pick up the papers.

"It's okay. I would've done that too," Kristina replies, taking the papers to the others.

Roger, who had his phone taken away, stood up and yelled, "At least he didn't hit you!"

Everyone told him to shut up.

Kristina handed one paper to each person. After that, she sat next to her wife, wrapped her arm around her waist, and gave her a small kiss on the cheek.

"Goals," Gaby whispered to herself from the bleachers.

"What took you so long," Katia asked Kristina while looking at her paper. "I was getting worried!"

"Well, I stopped by the printing room but Mr.Rangel was there. He told me to hide with the other students in the library and I'll be safe. Of course, I declined." Kristina told her.

The two talked for a couple more minutes about elections and California, but then Elizabeth reminded them that they had to chant the one hour long speech.

"Gaby get down here," says Elizabeth.

Gaby groans, stuffing her journal and pen into her galaxy printed garbage can. She rolls down the bleachers and onto the floor.

Once everyone was seated, Kristina announced, "Okay, this is how it's going to work. We'll all say this hour long speech without making any mistakes. If we make a mistake, we'll have to start over."

"But we're human," Roger whined.

Kristina ignored him and asked the group, "Any questions?"

No one said anything so the group began the chant.

It was a boring chant, really. Nothing interesting in it, only something about spirits being gone and souls and tragidies. It was a waste of an hour. No one made any mistakes, so that was good.

After the chant, Devon fell asleep on Roger. And since they weren't allowed to speak, Roger just had to deal with it.

Anyssa ended up trying to communicate with Gaby, Katia, Kristina, and Elizabeth with sign language. None of understood Anyssa, so they fell asleep from boredom.

As Gaby slept, she had nightmares of what might happen tomorrow, the last day of the ritual.

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