Insanity (4)

53 0 39

4- Interrogation


Attention students and staff:
Yesterday's lockdown caused a panic throughout all of America. Our police have not succeeded in finding the intruder. Now, we ask all to show up tomorrow, Friday the 17th, to Kenny D. High School for an interrogation that will occur during your 3rd period class. If you are absent or refuse to participate in the interrogation, you will be accused of being the intruder. Since we have little time and many students, we will go to our 3rd period class instead of our 1st period class. We will stay there until the end of the day. Since the lockdown occurred during 3rd period, the police and detectives assume it was someone who didn't show up to their 3rd period class. You will be called up one at a time and will be asked a series of questions. You will answer each question honestly. If not, the lying detector machine will catch your lies and you will be suspended. Thank you for understanding. Your principal, Mrs.Ferrel, signing out. Also, make sure you continue reading. West Crane High School is currently in the lead with over eleven thousand books. And it's not even the end of the first semester! The lockdown is no excuse for you to stop reading. Thank you, and have a good day.

Great. Just when I thought the principal would actually do something about the lockdown, she says we will be accused of being the intruder if we don't show up. Seriously? If there's another lockdown and someone dies, I'm suing her.

"Good morning, class. I'm stuck with you again. If you read the paper I gave you yesterday, you would know that the detectives will call you out one at a time for an interrogation. We're going in alphabetical order, so Anderson, get ready."

I sighed dramatically and put my head down. If there was one thing I was bad at, it was not getting nervous during interrogations. Once, Ruby slapped a seven year old and the police accused me. During the interrogation, I accedentaly revealed some private information.

"Well, today we're going to learn about alcohol," Mrs.Gonzalez announced.

"But we already know this," Scott whined.

"Would you rather work on the textbook?"

She pointed at the bookshelf in which we kept the brand new textbooks. We never used them. The only time we used them was when the teacher would get mad at us for looking up inappropriate stuff on the laptops.

Scott shook his head.

Mrs.Gonzalez blabbered some words about alcohol, but they sounded muffled to me because I was thinking on how to not get nervous during the interrogation. Why did my last name have to be Anderson? I hate being first for everything.

"And you shouldn't drink alcohol because then you'll become an alcoholic and nobody will love you," Mrs.Gonzalez finished.

"Yeah, Scott," I whispered.

"What?! I don't drink alcohol!"

"That's what they all say."

Scott turned around and faced Mrs.Gonzalez. "Teacher! He's calling me an alcoholic!"

"Well, that's why you shouldn't be drinking. Were you not listening to my long lecture on what happens to your body if you drink alcohol?"

Scott groaned and turned back around.

Mrs.Gonzalez hit the small T.V. that was at the corner of the room with a ruler. "Since today is Friday, I'll be nice and put a movie. It's Henna Q. Schultz's Built for Many Reasons. If you've seen the movie, don't spoil it for anyone. Yet I doubt any of you has ever seen this movie or know who Henna Q. Schultz is."

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