Insanity (10)

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10- Flammable


It hadn't even been thirty minutes into the class and Jared had already given our barbie a strange name. He calls it Señora Serpiente. But that's not the worse he's done so far. He stole X-Ray's cinnamon bun and rubbed it all over Señora Serpiente's face, hoping she'd eat it, but there was no luck.

"What's the point of this if we can't feed them?" Jared asked as he carefully wiped off the leftover pieces of cinnamon bun that were still on Señora Serpiente's face. X-Ray kept giving him death glares, but he just ignored them.

"I guess the school's on a budget," I answered.

"Like always!" Jared groaned. "Hey, where's Jeremy?"

I scanned the room in search of Jeremy, but he was nowhere in sight. There was only one place Jeremy would be at a time like this.

"Teacher! Can I go to the restroom?" I yelled out.

Mrs.Gonzalez, who was back to reading, simply pointed at the door. I waved goodbye to Jared and began walking towards the door. That was, until Ashley tugged at the sleeve of my sweater. I took one glimpse of her face and I saw total fear.

"Wherever you're going, take me with you," she whispered.

She pointed her thumb towards the direction of X-Ray, who was trying to talk to Aaron with a mouthful of jumbo marshmallows.

"I bet I can fit five!" X-Ray stated.

"No you- okay, maybe you can," Aaron mumbled when X-Ray had succeeded.

Just as X-Ray was about to place another jumbo marshmallow inside his mouth, Aaron said, "Dude, stop! You're going to choke!"

X-Ray simply put another marshmallow inside his mouth and glared at Aaron. "Choking noises," he said, though Aaron barely understood him.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I told Ashley. "I could watch this all day."

"Please, Paisley!" Ashley begged.

I glanced at Mrs.Gonzalez then back at Ashley. She was still gripping onto my sleeve, and her face still looked desperate. She didn't even have to beg. Her big, brown eyes already spoke to me. I sighed in defeat.

"Fine," I said at last.

Ashley pumped her fist in the air and let out a victory yell. Mrs.Gonzalez peeked up from her book to see what was going on. Ashley quickly scribbled random words on her journal to look busy. She even talked to X-Ray, though he was too busy trying to eat all the marshmallows at once. Ruby was watching him like this was something that happened everyday, but Aaron looked like he was about to notify the school nurse. When Mrs.Gonzalez was sure everything was normal, she went back to reading. Ashley and I took this as a chance to leave the classroom.

"Okay," I told her once we were out. "I'm looking for Jeremy. Since you forced me to take you, you're going to help me find him."

"The smart shy dude?" She asked. I could tell she was failing at trying to be descriptive.



As she walked alongside of me, she dragged her arm across the wall.

"So where do you think he is?" Ashley asked me after a few seconds of just walking.

I threw my hands in front of the door of the music room like if I were advertising a new product. Ashley only looked at me like I was some crazy person. Which, I can confirm, am not.

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