TomTato 6

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Tom backed away and stuck his hands in front of his face. His fingers searched through his pockets and he pulled out a pen that had no ink. He pointed it at the shadows and gulped.

"I mean you no harm, Tom," the person said as they slowly came out of the darkness. When Tom saw the person, he lowered the pen. The person had golden hair and dark green eyes. Relived, Tom ran towards the person and embraced him in a hug.

"Pineapple! You don't know how much trouble I'm in!" Tom's words sounded muffled since his face was pressed on Pineapple's chest.

Pineapple smiled to himself and gently pushed Tom off him.

"I do, actually. That's why I'm here," Pineapple replied.

Tom paced back and forth. "I have so many questions that need answers!"

Pineapple rested his elbow on the balcony railing and gave Tom a patient look. Pineapple always knew what to do. That's why all the fruits and vegetables loved him. If that witch had never put a curse on him, he'd be nothing more than a pineapple.

"One question at a time," Pineapple said and snapped his fingers.

"Why do you look so young?" Tom blurted out.

Pineapple gave him a friendly smile. "I don't age, Tom. I was certain you of all people would know that by now."

Tom nodded and was about to ask another question before Pineapple interrupted him.

"I can shapeshift to be anyone or anything. I know what you're gonna ask next. No, I didn't teleport here. I haven't mastered that yet. There was a ladder at the side of the hotel, so I climbed that."

Tom nodded again and awkwardly smiled. Pineapple was the type to talk nonstop about his abilities and what he could do that others couldn't. If Tom had to be honest, it had gotten annoying living with him for 18 years and hearing him talk about how lucky he was to get cursed by a witch.

Tom held up his hand, basically telling Pineapple to shut up.

"You said you could help me with my problems," Tom mumbled.

"Oh, right! I have a whole plan and everything," Pineapple cheered with excitement.

When he heard that, Tom's face brightened. He knew he could count on Pineapple. There has never been a time when he was wrong. Tom assumed that was part of the curse the witch put on him.

Pineapple gasped. "Before I tell you my plan, I want you to know that I turned Tato back into a potato. You're not gonna ignore him and try to get him killed like you did before, right?"

"What?! No! I'm a changed man!" Tom yelled. Pineapple lifted an eyebrow but then shrugged it off.

Pineapple clapped twice and he turned into a pineapple. Five seconds later, he turned back into a human. Then once again, he clapped his hands twice and became a pineapple. Tom watched as he transformed over and over again. He crossed his arms and waited for him to finish.

"Sorry," Pineapple apologized, "I like doing that."

"The plan, Pineapple! The plan!" Tom yelled. He didn't want to sound rude, but he was worried about his boyfriend, and Pineapple seemed to have the best plan on how to make everything better.

"Take off your hoodie," Pineapple ordered.

Tom looked down at his green hoodie that had the numbers 1933 in the center. He had found it at the thrift shop and stole it while the cops were busy arresting Leo. He didn't know what 1933 meant or what happened in 1933, but he tried his best to not question it.
At first, Tom hesitated, but then he sighed and took off his hoodie just like Pineapple had told him to. Pineapple snatched the hoodie from Tom's hands and put it on.

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