Rise of the More Advanced Alpacas

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Kristina and Gaby have a talk about Jake.

Pt.2 : The Plan

Jake's P.O.V.

Though Devon and Gaby tell me we will only be able to find Kristina before it gets dark, I do not agree. I feel like once we find Kristina, she will be all, "Who is he? Ugh, why is Devon here?" Then after that, we will have to go back to Devon's house so Kristina can see his 'tank'. There is no actually way that kid owns a tank. When I was his age, the closest I had to a tank was a hot wheels car. While they do that, I will track Katia so we could find her next. As long as nothing gets in our path, my plan is perfect.

"But seriously," I heard Devon tell Gaby, "I never thought I'd actually get a tank!"
Throughout the whole time, Devon had just been talking to Gaby about his tank while I led them to where Kristina was. I held my right hand out the way a mom would in a car so their kid would not 'go flying' or something like that. Gaby was distracted by the conversation and ran into my hand.
"What happened?" She asked.

"Kristina should have been here now," I reply, lowering my hand. Gaby rolled her eyes and groaned.
"Why would Kristina be in a dark alley?"
"It is a shortcut to her house. She took a car and arrived to her house three minutes ago, at least that is what I think. If we were to walk to her house, we would get there in around seven to ten minutes. But by the time we get there, she would already be gone. You see, every Friday at 6:30 p.m., she goes to the supermarket. Before that, she goes to the gym. It only takes her 5 minutes to change from her gym clothes to her everyday clothes." I took a look at my iPhone. It was exactly 6:30.
"How long till we get to the supermarket?" Devon questioned.
"I would say about thirty minutes on foot. She takes about an hour at the supermarket," I answered.
"Well, shit! Better run! My tank ain't gonna look at itself!" Devon yelled and rushed off.
"Devon!" Gaby and I yelled in unison.

Gaby's P.O.V.

After twenty five minutes of running and continuously yelling Kristina's name, Devon finally tired out and walked, not at the same speed as Jake and I, but still walked.
"Is he always like this?" Jake whispered, looking back at Devon.
"He once mistaked Kristina for an alpaca, so I can't say no to that." I giggle.
"When do you plan telling him?" Jake suddenly asked.
There's three things I hate about this man. He always changes the subject, he always talks while someone else is taking, and the fact that he never uses contractions.
"After Kristina sees his tank," I reply.
Jake looked at me like he wanted to tell me something, but then looked away and pointed at a building with lights illuminating the capitalized word 'SUPERMARKET'.
Devon immediately saw it, smiled, and ran to the entrance. Jake and I soon did the same.

"Gaby?" A familiar voice rang a bell in my ear. I turned around to see Kristina wearing a huge smile on her face. I ran to her and hugged her. However, the hug didn't last forever.
She pushed me away once she saw Jake and Devon.
"Who is he? Ugh, what is Devon doing here?" Kristina asked a bit too loudly, earning weird looks from shoppers. Kristina marched over to Jake and pointed dramatically at him, which she only did because she's sees me doing it a lot.
"Name?" Kristina asked him, almost menacingly.
I simply watched and shook my head, for I'm used to her doing this to every stranger ever.
"Jake," Jake replied, showing no expression whatsoever.
"And how did you find me?"
"I studied to be a detective. Ended up being a cashier."
Kristina slowly backed away from him, and just as she was about to speak to me, Devon stepped in front of her.
"Kristina, I know you hate me, but you just have to trust me when I ask you to come to my place. It's really important," Devon sounded so solemn that it scared me.
Kristina smiled and ruffled his hair. "You two start going. Gaby and I will catch up with you guys in a few minutes."
Jake and Devon nodded and started heading back to Devon's house. The sun was about to set and I feared we wouldn't make it in time. As soon as they were out of sight, Kristina dragged me to a corner and whispered, "I don't trust this Jake guy. Not.At.All. If he hurts me, you, Devon, or anyone else either physically or mentally, I will blame you entirely for it."
"Right, yeah, okay whatever," I mutter and began leaving but Kristina yanks me by my hair.
"There's still a lot more to talk about," She states and I groan, taking quick glances at the almost gone sun.

Devon's P.O.V.

I see faint car lights and I smile.
"Open the gates! Open the gates!" I yell to anyone who would listen. Jake listened, but didn't seem to care. He just lay down on a chair and drank grape soda.
The car parked perfectly next to mine and Kristina and Gaby hopped out. Great! They made it before it got dark!
"Kristina! Kristina! Kristina! Kristina! Kristina! Kristina! Kristina!" I exclaimed, tugging gently on Kristina's sleeves.
"Once is enough, Devon," she complained and let me lead her.
"I have to show you something I'm sure you'll love!" I laugh.

I opened the door to the backyard.
"Ladies first," I tell Kristina and she walks outside. The line of people wanting to execute me was still there, looking as impatient as ever.
"Y'all can come back tomorrow," I advise and the people groan. I doubt they'll ever learn they'll never be able to execute me.
Kristina points at a big shed. It was the kind of shed you wouldn't expect to see in the backyard of a rich man's house, but I still kept it there because it reminded me of the days when I wasn't rich and instead of a mansion I had a shed. "What's in there?"
I went inside, turned on the lights, and yelled, "Introducing, the tank you said I'll never get!"
Kristina just stared at it with her jaw dropped to the floor.
No tears ran down her cheek, and no apologies were given.
However, her shocked expression gave me a satisfactorily feeling.
"That's really....something, Devon." Kristina admitted.
I laughed, "Now, let's get back to Gaby. She says she has something to tell you."

"Okay, apparently, the alpacas are back," Gaby started and Kristina gasped.
"We can't defeat them without the rest of the group. Jake and I have been talking, and we agreed that tomorrow morning, him and Kristina will find Katia. Devon and I will find Roger. We need Katia's intelligence, Roger our captain, Elizabeth with her stealth, and Anyssa, who probably has weapons. Once we find Roger and Katia, we'll meet up here to discuss the alpacas, how to stop them, and who unleashed them," Gaby announced.
Kristina shrugged. "Sounds good with me."
I also agreed.
Jake said, "Perfect. If something happens to go bad, give me a call."
Jake passed out a paper with his phone number to everyone.
"Now, it is getting dark. Is it okay if we sleep here for the night, Devon?" Jake asked me as he placed the paper with his phone number on my lap.
"Oh, um sure," I whispered.
Hearing this, everyone stood up and searched for an available room.
I went to my own bedroom and rested my head on my fluffy pillow. I sighed, unable to understand how the alpacas were back if we defeated them. The first time it happened, Gaby was the one who unleashed them, but something tells me it wasn't her this time.
Maybe I should just sleep and think about it in the morning.

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