Rise of the More Advanced Alpacas

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-Almost all answers to almost every question are here. Just read between the lines.-

Monday. 4th day of the alpacalypse. 4.16.18. We all know what killed the cat.

Pt.8: Unexpected

Kristina's P.O.V

"I'm telling you, we can't stay here!"
I woke up in a good mood. The sound of my teammates arguing completely ruined that feeling.
"Where else do you expect us to go? Your house?"
By teammates, I mean Katia and Elizabeth. Elizabeth wanted to leave the cabin, but Katia wanted to stay. Then there was Jake who still begged me to let him go to H-E-B and work.
Our team is slowly falling apart and Roger, our so called captain, is doing nothing to fix it. He's like a school nurse after you sprain your ankle, and they place a bandage on your ankle then send you back to class hoping everything will be better.
Apparently, arguing is contagious, because now everyone is at the kitchen arguing and whining about the stupidest things.

"You are not going to work! Name one person who goes to work in an alpacalypse!" I shouted at Jake, who pulled the last apple juice carton from the very back of the refrigerator.
"I could be the first," he suggested with his mouth filled with apple juice.
I gave him a repulsive look then went to see if Elizabeth and Katia were doing okay.

"We are running out of apples," Elizabeth explained to Katia for what seemed the 100th time.
"No we are not," Katia argued back.
The two noticed I was there and began asking for my opinion. As I nervously looked around the kitchen, I noticed Devon and Roger talking to Jake about something important.
"That's your problem," I responded. Before they could tell me anything, I went over to see what the boys were talking about.

"But, Jake! It's Novela Monday," Devon cried, dramatically throwing his hands towards the direction of Jake.
Devon began again, "Novela Monday is basically a day when all guys watch novelas. Technically, we only watch them to look at hot girls and their-"
"Devon!" I interrupted before he could say anything else.

There were three knocks on the dining table and we all turned around to see Gaby slowly shaking her head.
"Elizabeth, you're right, we have to go somewhere else and fast. Kristina, if he wants to go work, then let him."

"Thanks, Gaby," Jake said and tipped an invisible hat to her. Gaby smiled and tipped an invisible hat back to him.
"Our captain is a great help," Gaby said looking at Roger. Roger exhaled dramatically. "About that."

"Last night an angel told me to make Jake the captain," Roger placed his hand on Jake's shoulder, "I mean it's stupid and all, but I now pronounce you captain of the team."

I was the first to react. "What?! Him? What has he ever done right?"

"He saved me," Devon announced.
"If it weren't for him, I would've never been here," Elizabeth explained.
"He can actually drive. No offense," Katia mumbled.
Before anyone could say anything else, I walked to Jake and stood in front of him. I placed my right hand over my heart and motioned for him to do the same.

"Repeat after me. As captain, I promise to not hurt or kill any group member or innocent being. I-"
"Why do you assume I am going to hurt you people? As captain, I refuse to recite your silly statement," Jake interrupted and I could hear the sadness in his voice. Maybe I shouldn't be so harsh on him and let him do his thing for once. Maybe he's not as bad as I think he is.

Jake declared, "Well, since I am captain now, I have now made my decision to go to H-E-B and work. Anyone wish to come with me? Going once? Going twice? Okay I will go alone. Adios!" As he turned the doorknob to leave, Devon yelled out a high pitched, "Wait!"

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