Rise of the blue Alpacas

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Part 9.
Warning: this chapter has lots of Anger.

Anyssa's P.O.V.

It wasn't day anymore.

Everyone else was enjoying their lives while they could at the park, while I just sat by a far away tree and watched them.

How could they see this as fun when in reality, every human was dying.

But then I ask myself, why aren't I doing the same as them?

I heard the sound of leaves being stepped on and silent cussing.

I knew who if was, and did not feel like talking to him at the moment.

"Beautiful night, huh?" I heard him sit down beside me.

"How can you say that when we're all slowly dying?" I ask him in disbelief.

His obnoxious laughter fills the silence between us.

He scoots closer to me, way closer to me.

However, I say nothing.

"Maybe because I see beauty in things." He snickered.

"I'm glad I don't see beauty in death." I mutter, avoiding keeping eye contact.

Roger. Why do you have to be so stupid.

"What about death do you find so beautiful?" I ask him.

"Well, death is beautiful because when it's over it's over." He responded.

What? This man makes no sense.

He continued, "Before death, one has many flashbacks of the most lovely moments. Years of happiness flash in your eyes in just seconds. Then everything's gone."

He sounded serious. I don't know wether to find it sexy or dangerous.

"That makes no sense," I mutter, "what other weird things do you find beauty in?"

"Hmmm, well, I've always seen beauty in blonde girls." Roger stated and leaned in closer to me.

At this point, my palms were sweating and my whole body felt hot.

As he was inches away from my face, I whispered, "Should I take that as an insult or a compliment?"

He smirked, "I'd never insult you, yet I'd never compliment you. So, I'm guessing a bit of both."

I felt him pressing down on my shoulders and his lips getting closer to mine.

It felt like a romantic movie.

But why was I in love with the man I hated?

The temperature was 72℉, but my body felt 110℉.

This is so wrong.

I've never felt this way towards anyone.

Why. Why Roger. Out of everyone.

What do I see in him?

I don't understand.

My thoughts were stopped by soft lips connecting mine.

When I kissed him, all worries went away and my body temperature cooled down.

I felt comfortable enough to wrap my arms around his neck.

Time stopped. My fast beating heart stopped. Hate stopped. Love started.

I kissed him back in passion.

He pulls off my hairtie and runs his hand through my soft, long blonde hair.

This moment reminded me of when Gaby gave me unneeded love advice that went a bit like, "Just go ahead and love whoever you want. It's not weird at all. Embrace it."

I parted my lips away from his and whispered to him, "I love you."

"I love you, too." He says, pulling me back into a kiss.

Yet this time, we were both smiling.

Just when I thought this moment would last forever, I heard the sound of many alpacas running towards us.

"We need to go!" I yelled, standing up and pulling Roger to his feet.

"But why?" He asked, staying still.

I pointed to the group of blue alpacas running our way and desperately pleaded, "Please, you idiot! Do you not see the monsters coming our way!"

He laughed and knelt down so he could be my height. "I can see them."

"Well, then, let's get out of here!" I told him, yet he seemed to not listen.

He touched the tree. "This is where I had my first and last kiss."

I sighed and groaned at the same time. "Climb this tree if you don't want that kiss to be your last!"

I climbed the tree and hid between the leaves.

The alpacas were close and stupid Roger hadn't climbed yet.

Finally, he shrugged and began climbing the tree.

I helped him up and we both watched as the alpacas ran past us.

We both laughed and high fived each other.

The others must've been hiding in the playground.

When we were sure the alpacas were gone, we got off the tree and went to the playground.

Luckily, everyone was there.

Gaby walked up to me and slapped me.

"We stay as a group and you get separated! I hid under the slide. What about you two?" She asks us both.

"Ermmm....We didn't." Roger interrupts me before I could say anything.

Gaby was confused.

"Yeah.....We stood right in front of the alpacas." I lied.

Kristina jumped off the monkey bars. "Woah Anyssa! Your hair!"

I just remembered Roger had took off my hair tie.

"That was the alpacas!" I stammered.

"Yeah definitely the alpacas," Roger whispered.

"Shut up!" I whispered back to him and hit him with my elbow.

Katia came out from wherever she was hiding and slammed a large paper onto my hands.

She pulled out a sharpie and circled a green stick figure. Then she drew a line towards blue scribbles.

"This is you. If you continue not participating in survival, you might wind up here. Just a fair warning."

I looked closely at the map.

"This map. I've never seen it." I say.

Katia talks, "Well, you weren't there when I explained my plan."

Roger interrupts, "But I'm captain!"

Everyone ignores him.

"Anyways, these colorful stick figures were Gaby's idea.... This right here is Elizabeth. She and Devon will go to the corner store and steal food, which is what they're currently doing right now."

Kristina took the sharpie and began explaining the rest.

"Gaby and I did some research and we found out the blue headless alpacas she drew were actually known as a curse back a million years ago. The only way to kill them is by performing a ritual that takes 3 days. Gaby and I are in charge of setting up the ritual at the school gym. Katia will also be on our team to make plans and give us advice."

I was shocked at how much they had planned.

I finally had the courage to ask, "What about Roger and I."

Gaby though for a while, saying they hadn't really thought of a job for us. At last, she snapped her fingers.

"You two will try to find a way to not allow any blue headless alpacas to escape the mountain they came from."

Well, this should real interesting.

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