Insanity (15)

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15- Life


As the kids asked their parents to pick them up from school, I slouched on my seat. My mom was at some baby shower with her friends, so there was no point in contacting her if she can't even come pick me up. At first, I decided I could ask someone for a ride, but then I realized walking home would be a much better idea. Since my mom is going to be at the baby shower for a couple more hours, I can stop by to get some ice cream. I don't have to go home right away.

X-Ray was complaining about having two days of ISS for something he didn't do. Ruby didn't look at all interested in his conversation. Stephanie and Destiny were talking about some stupid dance moves. Everyone was busy doing something, whether it was calling their parents or talking to their friends. The only one who wasn't doing anything was Aaron. He too was slouching in his chair and looking up at the ceiling in boredom. Me being me decided to approach him and attempt to start a conversation.

I sat on the chair next to him. It was Ariel's chair, but God knows where she went.

"Hey, Aaron," I said.

Aaron sat up straight on his chair and tried to make eye contact with me. He's actually a really awkward guy.

"Hi?" Aaron said, well, asked.

"It sounds like you don't enjoy my company," I said.

"No one enjoys your company, Brandon," he mumbled.

I scoffed, then quickly changed the subject. "I only came to talk to you because you owe me twenty dollars."

"I don't owe you anything!" Aaron shouted.

If anyone knows me, they know I get whatever I want whenever I want. Last year, I tried to prove my point by asking my least favorite teacher for one hundred dollars. It took a week of begging and bribing to finally get her to give me what I want.

I frowned, then, in my loudest voice, yelled out, "Huh? What's that? You like X-"

His hand quickly covered my mouth, preventing me from saying anything else. He's stronger than me, so I couldn't pull his hand away even if I tried. Everyone looked away from us and continued what they were doing. With his free hand, Aaron slapped a twenty dollar bill on the palm of my hand.

"I hate you," he sneered, removing his hand from my mouth.

"I know that," I said, "you tell me everyday. Maybe you should ask Ariel for some original insults."

I was putting the money I worked hard to earn in my pocket when I had a feeling that something was wrong. I'm not the best at ending conversations, or making excuses to leave one, so what I came up with was rather stupid.

"If you excuse me, my cousin's hamster just died, and I'm being instructed to host the funeral," I said, standing up.

"You don't even have your phone on you," Aaron noticed.

"Um...relative magic?" I said, then ran out the door before our replacement of a substitute tried to stop me.

In the hallway, a few lockers away, was a girl none other than Ariel. However, instead of her being her cheerful, bubbly self, she was leaning against some lockers and playing with her fingers. Her hair was covering side of her face, but I could still tell it was her.

I ran and sat by her side. I heard a small groan come out of her mouth the second she saw me next to her. Other than that, no words were spoken. At least, that's what I thought during the first few seconds of awkward silence.

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