TomTato 3

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The human hand had moved Tom and the nameless potato, which was now a french fry, from the shelf, to the countertop. Somehow, they luckily stayed next to each other.

Tom said, "Tato, I am so sorry for everything I've done to you."

When the human had first bought the nameless potato, Tom tried pushing it off the shelf to its death. Of course, he failed at this. Then this other time, he tried to get the human to eat the nameless potato. Who knew that's the one thing he doesn't want to happen right now?
Apparently, a little change is all one needs to get the attention of another.

The french fry sighed. "The human will eat me soon. I'm sure this is what you've always wanted!"

"It's what I wanted, not what I want," Tom reassured.

"Oh, shut up!" The nameless french fry yelled. "You won't care if I die. You don't love me."

"I do love you! I would do anything to prevent your death!" Tom begged.

Suddenly, an old pineapple rolled towards them. That pineapple hadn't been touched by the human and was always alone in the corner of the kicthen. He's said to be the one who sees many foods come and go, to the point where he doesn't care anymore. But he's not so heartless, for he gives very meaningful advice.

"I can help with that," the pineapple said.

"How?" Tom asked.

"I can turn you human."

"No you can't!"

"Never underestimate the powers of a pineapple."

The pineapple rolled even closer to Tom and warned, "I was once owned by a witch, who put a curse on me. By touching you, you will instantly become human. Remember you're only doing this for the french fry's safety. There will be somethings you won't understand , but trust me, you will understand them soon. Now, are you sure you want to do this?"

Tom didn't think the question throughly. He just told the pineapple, "I'm sure."

The pineapple rolled towards Tom, touched him, and the kicthen was left in smoke. The smoke alarm went off and the sound of someone coughing came from upstairs.

Once the smoke cleared, Tom looked at his hands and yelled. He was sitting down on the counter top next to the french fry, while the pineapple had returned to his corner.
Tom touched his head and plucked a hair off. He held it with his thumb and pointer finger and noticed it was green. He jumped off the counter top and grabbed on to a nearby shelf, for he was losing his balance. He grabbed the french fry from the counter top and gently caressed it.

"Talk to me," Tom pleaded.

He was on his knees with one hand grabbing on to a shelf and the other clutching the french fry. He held the french fry against his ear and waited for a response.

"Why should I?" The french fry replied.

"Oh come on!" Tom yelled.

Tom heard footsteps approaching the kitchen, and he slowly backed away, french fry in hand. A young woman with a composition notebook in her hand walked in the kitchen and immediately noticed Tom.
The second she saw Tom, she dropped her composition notebook and screamed. The notebook opened up to a page full of hearts with huge Xs over them.

"Who are you?" She asked, her voice trembling. She didn't look like she was used to seeing a random person in her kitchen.

"Stand up or I'll call the police," she warned.

Tom obeyed and stood up, still not letting go of the french fry. The girl looked at Tom's hand and saw the french fry.

"Why do you have that?" She asked as she kneeled down to get her composition notebook.

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