Travis X Bowie

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It was a cold winter afternoon, the sky was covered in clouds, the Mexicans shot their muskets, yet the bar remained open. Davy Crockett, the owner of the bar, sat down on a stool near all the drinks and served his customers. Jim Bowie's wife had died no more than a week ago, ever since then, he spend his free time at the bar drinking vodka.
"What should I serve to you today, Mr.Bowie?" Davy Crockett asked Jim while looking at all the wine and beer bottles. "I'll have some vodka," a voice not belonging to Jim spoke. Jim, who was sitting on a stool, turned his head to the right from where the voice came from.
There, sitting on the stool next to Jim Bowie, was William Travis. William was known for nothing really, he wasn't really popular in San Antonio, however, Jim was. "My, William!" Jim started laughing. "Thought you didn't drink?" William shrugged his shoulders and grabbed the bottle of vodka that was placed in front of him. "I thought about what you said a few days ago, and you were right. You were right about there being a time in my life when I'd actually place a bottle on my lips."
Davy placed another bottle in front of Jim, who then drank it all in less than 30 seconds. "Not meaning to be rude or anything, but why did you interrupt me while I was ordering?" Jim asked, a bit sternly.
Instead of drinking from the bottle, William placed the bottle back on the table and turned to look at JIm. William's light blue eyes smiled brightly while his mouth didn't dare give a grin.
"I thought you would have taken too long, so I went ahead and ordered." As Jim started drinking another bottle, he chucked, looking at the younger male and saying, "Repeat what you just said, William."
William stood up from the stool, soon Jim did the same. William, who was only 2 inches shorter than Jim, pulled Jim by his shirt collar, allowing his face to be facing the others.
"I thought you would have taken too long, so I went ahead and ordered. Oh, and it's colonel to you." With all his strength, William lifted Jim up by his collar and threw him across the room. Jim slid across the floor, yet managed to stand up, this getting the attention of all the customers in the bar. "Why are you all of a sudden attacking me? I was going to attack first. Or is it that you're afraid of how much more strength I have than you? Is that it, William? You wimp."
That set William off, he dove straight towards Jim, pinning him down on the ground. The customers cheered and yelled for Jim and William to fight. William grabbed both of Jim's hands with his left hand, and used his right hand to punch Jim. Everytime William threw a punch, he missed, for Jim somehow managed to dodge each and every one of his punches. William started to lose energy, due to JIm kicking him. He got to the point where his muscles refused to cooperate with him, and his heart thought beating faster would make William win the fight. William was ready to give up, Jim could hear it in his heavy panting. Jim took the opportunity and flipped William over, to where he was pinning William down. "God, I hate you so much!!" Jim yells while repeatedly punching William. "I...I hate you too!" William attempted to sound angry and brave, but apparently that's not possibly when you're losing a fight and are out of breath.
"Let's...Let's just.... just stop." William whispered quietly so the customers watching them wouldn't hear him. William had to block Jim's fist by wrapping his hand around it and letting him calm down. Jim's expression shortly softened and was about to get up from William, but before, he added, "I hate you." Once William was standing, he replied," I hate you more, loser."
They continued calling each other names and telling each other how much they hate each other, when suddenly, Davy approached them with a grin plastered on his face.
"I see what you're trying to pull here," Davy says with a smirk.
"What?" Both William and Jim ask at the same time.
"Y'all secretly love each other but chose to hide it by pretending to hate each other."
William's face turns a light shade of pink and shrieks out a high pitched, "What???!!!"
Jim turns to Davy while laughing maniacally. "Davy, you are drunk."

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