Rise of the More Advanced Alpacas

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Stuck in an elevator, Gaby and Devon share long held secrets. Jake and Kristina run into someone while on their search for Katia.

Pt.3 : Strict Orders

Gaby's P.O.V.

"Wake up, sleeping beauty. We do not have all day," I heard Jake tell me as he hit me with a pillow.
I opened my eyes to see Jake, Kristina, and Devon standing in front of me with backpacks and gear.
"Shut up and let me sleep," I mutter, my eyelids drooping.
I felt my legs being dragged and I opened my eyes to see it was Kristina.
She tossed me in the bathroom, locked the door, and said, "Clothes are already in there. We'll meet you outside."
"Why did I agree to this," I groan as I splashed water on my face.
It was then that I saw two yellow post it notes on top of the mirror frame. I couldn't see what they read, so I had to climb the sink to snatch the two post it notes.
The first note read, There's a blue skirt under the rug. I paid for it. :) -D
The second note read, We went to the mall last night. Got a couple supplies, food, and clothing while you slept. -K
I sighed and grabbed the skirt from under the rug, and then noticed a pink post it note. I figured since it was pink, it'd be something nice.
It read, The shirt is in Devon's room, along with everything else we packed for you. -J
I swear, these people hate me.

Jake's P.O.V.

Devon was talking to Kristina about who knows what, while she listened. I was just staring at the front door waiting for Gaby to come outside. Women take forever at everything! Just as I was about to get in there and pull her out, she stepped out. Finally!
"Gaby! Do you know where Roger is?" I asked her while she zipped up her backpack.
"Yes. The museum," She replied with a tint of annoyance. "You told me were he was already."
"If I were you, I would take the stairs," I advised.
"I'm wearing a skirt," she complained and stood beside Devon.
"Take the stairs! Remember, if something goes wrong, do not be afraid to give me a call," I told both Gaby and Devon, then got in Kristina's car.
"How about I drive? I actually have a license, am old enough to drive, and did not crash into a tree," I suggested, sliding into the driver's seat. Kristina simply rolled her eyes and sat on the passenger's seat.

Devon's P.O.V.

Gaby refused to take the tank to the museum so we had to walk there. On our way there, we spotted 5 alpacas, or as I call them, thieves. The first alpaca was sprawled out on the middle of the street to prevent drivers from getting past. The second alpaca was inside an Italian restaurant eating alone. Gaby made a joke about it and we both fell on the floor laughing. The third alpaca saw us laughing on the floor and decided to copy us. Gaby felt 'slightly offended' and told me to just walk away. The fourth alpaca was galloping after a child. The fifth alpaca joined the fourth alpaca. None of them did any harm to humanity, so I wonder why we're still trying to defeat them. We can keep them incase the human race becomes extinct.

The museum looked more like a hospital to me. It had many floors, balconies, and my personal favorite, elevators. Jake did say to take the stairs. However, Jake isn't my mom so Gaby and I will use the elevator whenever we want. Besides, my legs hurt from walking and I still can't breathe from the time we fell on the floor laughing. The only solution now will be to take the elevator. Fuck you, Jake.
Once we were in the elevator, Gaby decided to call Jake saying we disobeyed him.

"Hey, Jake," Gaby cooed.
"What?" Gaby had put the call on speaker so I could be able to hear.
"We're on the elevator," Gaby told him. Jake groaned. Not a soft, short groan, but a long disappointed groan. You know, the groan your mom does when you do something you're not supposed to.
"You had one job. You see, that museum is known for their elevators getting stuck. No one except stupid people, people who lose bets, and people who do not damn listen get on the elevators." Jake replied with disappointment.
Suddenly, the lights started flickering and the elevator dropped a few floors down. I clinged on to Gaby and she held on to one of the railings.
"Um Jake," Gaby nervously laughed once the elevator stopped, "How long til someone helps us?"
"We will see," Jake said then ended the call.
Gaby sighed and dropped down on the floor, hugging her knees and mumbling something to herself.
I sat on the other side of the elevator, quite calm since I didn't have claustrophobia or a fear of elevators.
It was all quiet, calm, peaceful, some other word. Gaby would've liked this if we weren't stuck in an elevator. Finally, after a while, I got sick of the quietness and decided to start a conversation.
"Gaby, what's love to you?"
She looked at me the way a child would look at an adult. Full of answers, smart, and confusing.
"Awkwardness," Gaby laughed after a while.
"I need to tell you something," I whispered.
"I'm all ears," she told me.
"I like Kristina," I said. It felt great telling it to someone and getting it off my shoulders.
Gaby stared at me, breathless. At last, she said, "Devon, you're gay."
I wanted to scream at her but instead, I simply replied with, "Why would think that?"
"You like Roger."
"Where did you even get that from?"
Gaby laughed once again. "This whole time I thought you were gay."
"Tell me," she continued, "why do you like Kristina and why are you telling me?"
I said, "I told Jake but he said 'I do not care.' Then two years ago, I told Roger. He just laughed and said that I'm gay, then he even tried asking me out. And I like her because she's actually a sweet person sometimes. That and she doesn't care about my money."
"Let me guess, every girl you've dated just wanted your money?" Gaby asked and I nodded.
"What about you?" I asked her.
"What about me?" She replied.

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