Rise of the More Advanced Alpacas

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-Still with the middle chapters -_- -

Jake and Kristina go to Home Depot. Gaby is disappointed in Jake.

Pt. 6 : It was the alpacas!

3rd Person P.O.V

"And here we have the cliché love story," Gaby showed Elizabeth, "seriously, been there done that."

Kristina stretched her arms and groaned. Gaby looked to see Jake with his head under a pillow and his clothes from last night. Blue shirt, dark blue jeans, and blue converse. Gaby often thought blue was probably his favorite color.

"They're not getting up," Elizabeth stated. Just as she was about to leave, Gaby held up a finger basically saying 'wait' to Elizabeth. "The pioneers used to do this," Gaby whispered, taking out a water gun from her pocket. "The pioneers had water guns?" Elizabeth questioned. "Shush," Gaby said, "don't question the pioneers' methods!"

Gaby walked to the side Jake was, grabbed the pillow, and threw it across the room.

She lifted up his left eyelid and squirted some water onto his eye. He sat up and tried to blink the water out. Kristina soon woke up and was extremely confused.

"Jake, what're we doing today?" Gaby asked him once she saw he was okay.
Jake just closed his eyes and sort of fell asleep sitting.

Kristina was now fully awake and she slapped Jake. Nothing happened.
Roger and Devon were walking and stopped in front of Jake's room.

"Hey Jake," Roger called, "Devon was whispering your name last night."
"I was not! You were-" Devon saw Kristina sitting on Jake's bed.
"Why is Kristina on your bed??!!" Devon yelled, startling Jake, making him wide awake.

Jake ignored him, clapped his hands, and went to the kitchen. "Okay guys, who wants to come with me to Home Depot?"
Everyone stepped aside, revealing Kristina with her hand raised.

"Kristina, you said the alpacas killed the Survivors,right?" Jake asked.
"Not really su-"
"Exactly," Jake exclaimed, "that is why you and I will go to Home Depot to check if they are alive. But first, I will go to the H-E-B I work at to get a hammer. While I do that, you will go to Home Depot and wait there til I come back and tell you to open the doors."
"They sell hammers at H-E-B?" Katia asked.
"I will check," Jake stated.
"Jake, wait! Can't you just get a hammer from Home De-" Gaby tried calling him but he had already ran out the door.

Kristina's P.O.V

I have no idea why I volunteered to go with Jake. My brain just told me it'd be fun and my hand rose by itself.
The guy doesn't even have a plan. If there is a Survivor there, they'll shoot us. And has he forgotten the alpacas?
I saw the Home Depot. To my surprise, there were no alpacas surrounding Home Depot. I felt safe about this mission.

I stood in front of the double front doors. There were no windows and the doors were made of iron. On my walk to Home Depot, I found a stick lying on the grass, and I kept it as a weapon. Not really much of a weapon, but it works.

I saw a blue figure running towards me. I pulled out my stick prepared to fight it. As it got closer, I lowered the stick seeing it was only Jake.
I slapped him straight across the face.

"I thought you were an alpaca!" I shouted.
"Oops," he said. He took out his green jacket from who knows where and put it on.
"Do you have a plan?" I asked him.
He pulled his hood up and said, "Yeah. If there is a Survivor there, you pretend you know him, wrap your arm around his neck, and with your spare hand, you punch his stomach."

"And if there's more than one?"
"Oh yeah, there were no hammers at H-E-B," he said, changing the subject.
Gaby told me he always did that, so it really was no surprise.

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