Insanity (1)

86 1 59

1- Perfect and imperfect


We all have that one friend who is loved by the entire school. Well, for me, that friend is Stephanie. Apparently, the school loves her so much that the principal let her perform at the gym during second period. For me, this was good news since I hate my second period. I have to sit at the very back of the class and work alone because no one wants to be my partner.


Whatever, it's not like it's the end of the world. I'll get through this. I can get through anything.

Can you?

The freshmen and the sophomores sat on the south bleachers and the juniors and the seniors sat on the bleachers on the north. A kid in my third period class, Jeremy, was playing a calm melody on the piano. Ruby, another kid in my third period class, was in charge of shining the spotlight on Stephanie. Stephanie had told me I'd be the one who'd do that. I guess she changed her mind.

Did you actually except her to choose you?

Stephanie looked beautiful wearing her black hair in a tight bun, and a white tutu that fit her body perfectly, highlighting her best features. She made every kick, spin, and jump look easy. What did I expect? She's Stephanie. Everything she does looks flawless. Especially dancing.

Why is a girl like that even friends with you?

The moment was over quicker than I expected it to be. The audience burst into applause and Stephanie bowed to her adoring crowd. Stephanie was a hardworking girl. She spent years perfecting her dance routines, and all that's left to say is that hard work really does pay off.

Students from all grade levels had gotten off the bleachers just to congratulate Stephanie face to face. Some kids I knew, but most I didn't. They took pictures with her, told her she was an inspiration, and complemented her golden necklace. She always wore that golden necklace, and I don't think I've ever seen her without it.

Hundreds of kids surrounded her. I, however, had the whole row to myself. I looked to my right. Nothing. I looked to my left. Nothing. Everyone who befriends her gets jealous of her skills, at least, everyone but me. Instead of envying her, I developed a crush on her. I've tried confessing to her, but each time I tried, I got interrupted by one of her 'fans'.

Aren't you gonna go congratulate your best friend?

The crowd surrounding Stephanie had decreased in size, yet I still couldn't stand up and walk towards her. The kids would trip me, then I'd wake up in the hospital with scars all over my face. Or maybe she's talking with someone else at the moment and going now will just make me look awkward.

Are you seriously making a plan just to talk to your best friend?

At last, I stood up, and wobbled while trying to keep my balance, this making me accidentally knock over a kid's water bottle. The kid looked back and saw me awkwardly handing him the water bottle. He sneered as he looked from me to the water bottle.

"Keep it," he groaned, then turned his back to me and continued talking to his friends. I heard one of his friends laugh while taking quick glimpses of me.




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