Insanity (9)

45 0 24

9- Deal


Mrs.Gonzalez finished the book so quickly that for a second I thought she wasn't human. I don't know if I was imagining things or not, but I was somewhat certain that I saw tears starting to form in her eyes. Maybe no one noticed because they were too busy talking. Apparently the only time Mrs.Gonzalez didn't care about us talking was when she was reading one of Henna Q Something's books.

"Okay, class," She announced, and everyone immediately got quiet. "This week we'll be doing a project in partners."

Some kids gave each other that "you and me" look. Mrs.Gonzalez noticed then said, "I have already chosen your partners and made sure you won't socialize with them."

She pulled out a paper from her pocket and began reading off the names. "Brandon and Stephanie."

"But, miss, Brandon never does anything!" Stephanie complained.

Mrs.Gonzalez ignored her then continued reading off the names. "Ruby and Aaron."

"Why can't I be with X-Ray?" Ruby whined.

Mrs.Gonzalez ignored her as well. "Jared and Paisley."

Jared was still in the hallways with Ariel and Destiny. I hope they're okay.

"I'm fine with that," Paisley said with a shrug.

"X-Ray and Ashley."

X-Ray heard his name and first thought he was going to get in trouble, so he lowered his nearly empty box of cereal. Scott then leaned over to whisper to X-Ray what was going on so that he wouldn't be confused.

"Scott and Destiny."

Stephanie shook her head. "Poor Destiny."

"I heard that!" Scott yelled.

"Jeremy and Ariel."

Ariel and I barely met this year. She's anything anyone could ever ask for. With her ideas and whatever I'm good at, we'll have this project finished in no time.

Mrs.Gonzalez stuffed the paper back into her pocket. She spoke while pacing back and forth across the room. "For your project, you and your partner will be given a barbie, which will represent your child. You will use your parenting skills to take care of the barbie for five days. You will write a five page essay for each day about what happened to your child, the problems you experienced, and the ways you solved and or dealt with the problems."

Parenting? Yeah, we're going to fail.

She continued listing all the possible ways you could get disqualified. These include: breaking the barbie, drawing on the barbie, paying the homeless to take care of the barbie, giving the barbie an inappropriate name, and getting more barbies after you lose and or break the first one.

I figured I could invent something that'll make the project easier.

"There will be no excuses," Mrs.Gonzalez said. "If you don't do your work your grade will-"

She stopped to look at X-Ray, who was eating Trix in a small bowl with no spoon or milk.

"X-Ray, what are you doing?"

"I didn't get to eat my breakfast. Plus, they don't give food here anymore, so. I honestly feel like they just want us to starve to death. That way the number of students will decrease and it'll be easier to find the intruder. I am so smart!"

"Put that away! Now!"

X-Ray picked up the bowl and tilted it so that all the cereal fell inside his mouth. He then put his bowl back inside his backpack. He sat up straight and smiled at Mrs.Gonzalez, as if telling her he was ready for her to continue.

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