Insanity (6)

57 0 55

6- Knives and Words


"Hey, mom, today was actually an okay day at school," I announced as I dropped my backpack on the spotless floor. I opened the refrigerator and cabinets in search for food, but found only month old cookies, slices of muenster cheese, yogurt, and that egg and ham taco my dad forgot to take to work today. I settled on the cookies.

My mom rested her broom against a wall and approached me. She grabbed my cheeks the way my grandma did everytime she came to visit. I removed her hands from my cheeks.

"Honey," my mom said, "I told you school wasn't all that bad. You should listen to your mother more often." She went back to sweeping the already clean floor.

"I said it was an okay day, but whatever," I mumbled. I grabbed a handful of cookies and took them to my room. Well, I was before my mom called me. She does that a lot.

"Aaron, you know how I feel about the mumbling," she warned. Usually, she'd yell at me, but today, her voice was soft and gentle. "Come sit down. We need to talk." She tapped the chair beside her.

I groaned. "Is it because I mumbled? I won't mumble anymore. Promise. I have to-"

"Sit down, Aaron."

Still, her voice was soft. And it kind of creeped me out since I was used to her screaming out my first, middle, and last name whenever I did something she thought was wrong.

"I know you're in a good mood and I-"

"I never said I was in a good mood."

She pinched the bridge of her nose, probably thinking, "God, what did I do wrong for you to punish me with an emo child?" Then again, I could be wrong.

"I don't want to ruin your mood, but I have some bad news," she continued.

"As always," I mumbled.

"Aaron!" She yelled. Now that's my mom I know and fear.

"Sorry, bad habit," I apologized.

My mom exhaled and faced me.

"Your father and I are getting a divorce."

For the first time in a long time, I smiled. My mom, however, didn't. I grabbed another cookie and placed it in my mouth. You see, this is what happens when you hang out with X-Ray too much. Okay, so I rarely hang out with X-Ray, but still.

"I'm not lying," My mom said. "I know you don't believe me, but at least try."

"This is the part where dad jumps out the bushes with a camera and says it's all a prank," I added. I looked around my surroundings, but saw only shiny furniture and a clean floor. My mom sighed and shook her head.

"No. I'm being serious," she said.

I wanted to laugh and say it was a joke again, but the look she was giving was genuine. My mom would usually trick me into believing things. I guess that's one of the many reasons I have problems trusting people. I'm afraid to seem too gullible.

"But you two are the greatest couple ever!" I yelled. "You go on romantic, expensive dates for your anniversary, you kiss dad goodbye before he goes to work, you share a bed. How is that not a couple? You two love each other! Not once have I heard you guys arguing, so stop your nonsense."

My mom simply blinked. I wanted her to slam the table with her fist and burst out laughing like she always did. It got annoying since she did it everyday, but now would be a good time.

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