Chapter 856

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Andre's POV
After walking in the park for about 20 minutes and shedding a few tears here and there, my head was a little bit more clear than before. I went back to my car and drove home.
When I got there Bethany was in the same position as before and I didn't even go to speak to her, I just went straight upstairs to have a shower.
I changed into a tracky and ordered Chinese for me and Bethany. Even though we ain't speaking, I'm still gonna make sure she's eating right (n/a £R 😂)

I sat at the edge of our bed and looked down at me feet.
This is all my fault.

Samantha's POV
Isaac Aaliyah Tyrell and Rhea all came to bring us the good news.
"Arwh my babies are having twinsss!" I smiled giving them all hugs.
"Ahh this just makes me want to design clothes" I smiled
They all laughed
I am actually so excited for them.

Jayden's POV
Rah my kids are growing up so quickly. Just the other day they were 2ft nothing

Isaac's POV
The triplets came running into the room.
"HIIII!" They smiled
"Hiii" we all replied and the came to her hugs and kisses.
They really like the idea that Tyrell and Rhea are now their big brother and sister.

"Yes princess?" I said picking Isis up
"Is rhea having a girl or a boy?"
"She's having two boys"
"TWO?!" The triplets screetched
I laughed "Yh"
"That's cool"
I smiled
"What you having Aaliyah?" Skyler asked her
"I'm having a boy and a girl"
"So they're gonna be like you and Isaac?" Jayda asked
I smiled at Aaliyah and she smiled back "Yhh"

Andre's POV
When the Chinese arrived, Bethany was still sitting in the same place and still taking no notice of me.
I sighed inwardly
I took my food and left hers on the table.
I walked out.
No thank you.
No nothing.
Absolutely nothing.

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