Chapter 940

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Riley's POV
I left yard to meet the guys at the bus stop and we waited for the girls.
"Shit then fuck it" Jayce smiled
"What's alla that?" Bailey asked
"Word" Mason asked
I chuckled and looked away "dwt"
We all laughed and soon after the girls arrived and we routed to school.

Jessica's POV
After Riley relegated me yesterday, idrk what to feel. Like I really like him. Really really like him.
Ahh idk what to do.

Isaac's POV
"Yh?" She replied walking out the closet
"I think the twins have ADHD"
"Mmm imma book them an appointment"
"Read these symptoms" I said giving her my laptop
She read through "wow"
"It sounds exactly like them"
She said sitting at her dressing table
She plugged in her straighteners
"What you doing?"
"Straightening my hair..."
"Nah I like your curls"
"Yh you look sexy"
She blushed "thanks"

Skyler's POV
"Are you Isis?"
I looked up at Jason "no... I'm Skyler"
"Oh, where's your sister?"
"Isis? Idk"
"Oh thanks anyways" and with that he left

Isis's POV
Me and Riley were walking out the canteen and we were talking about me doing his hair
"Isis?" I turned around to come face to face with Jason
"Finally, I was looking for you" he smiled
I looked at Riley who was screwing and then back at Jason
"Okay... How can I help you?"
"Can I get your number because I only have you in snapchat?"
"No" Riley answered

Riley's POV
Am I a dick'ed for me to be standing here while this guy moves to my girl? Come on mate.
"I wasn't asking you tho was I?"
"Stfu, she was gonna say no anyways"
"Let her speak for herself" and he turned back to Isis
"So can I-"
"No" she replied
I smiled and Jason looked at me and screwed
"Fix your face"
"Don't tell me what to do" he said pushing me
I chuckled pushing down my anger "don't start with me"
he pushed me again so I pushed him back
"Riley..." Isis looked at me so I turned to her and then Jason slapped me in the back of my head.
It didn't hurt but come on I ain't gonna let that slide.
I grabbed his blazer and slammed him into the notice board making a loud noise and people started to gather.
I slapped him in the side of his face "don't speak to my girl"
3 of my olders in year 11 came to me.
"What's going on here?" One of them asked
"Nothing" I said letting go of Jason and he walked away.
I turned around to come face to face with the whole squad.
"You good?" Jayce asked
"I'm good" I replied
He nodded and then they left apart from Isis

Isis's POV
"Who's this?" One of Riley's friends asked
"My girl"
I looked away as my stomach flushed with butterflies
"Ooo you're one of the triplets"
I nodded "my names Isis"
"You're beautiful Mann"
"Aye stop alla that" Riley said
I smiled
"You did well for yourself bro" they all spudded him
"Her ass is mad aswell" I looked away
"Allow that. She's mine" Riley said getting more defensive
I smiled
"Your mums sexy btw"
"Lol thanks" I replied
"See you later" and then they walked away
Riley turned back to face me
"Are you okay?" I asked him
"I'm fine, sorry you had to see me get angry"
I shook my head "it's fine"
He opened his arms for a hug and I smiled and hugged him back

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