Chapter 993

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Skyler's POV
"Mum, dad?"
"Erm Bailey's mum invited us all to her house for dinner tonight... Is that okay?"
"Yh sure" mum smiled
"Yh calm" dad nodded
I smiled and then went back upstairs and told my sisters
"Ooo what you gonna wear?" They both said
I giggled "idk"
"Come on then" they dragged me to my room and Jayda went into my closet and Skyler sat me at my dressing table and plugged in the straighteners and started on my hair. Jayda and Skyler's hair were already straight.
Jayda came back out holding red skater dress with a black belt
"Oo that's peng" I smiled and Jayda smiled back.
She went to get her straighteners and plugged them in and helped Skyler with my hair.
I snapped us all in the mirror and added it to my story
Caption: ❤️❤️
"Did you and Bailey beat?"
I felt my face start to warm and I looked down
"Haaa Yh they did"
"How did you kno?"
"Your love bites"
I giggled and shook my head
"How's Bailey doing?"
"Erm idk sometimes good, sometimes bad - mostly bad"
"Is he still-"
"Yh- he trashed his room the other day"
"What?! Why?!"
I started to explain the situation to them.
"Oh rah"
My hair was finally straight and I thanked my sisters for doing my hair and then we all went to get ready.
I put on my dress and some red ankle boots and then did a middle parting in my hair and brushed it down. My eyebrows were naturally fleeked and I glossed my lips just before my sisters walked in.
"Pengtingggggg" we all said at the same time making us laugh.
My sisters were wearing the same dress as me but Skyler's was blue and Jayda's was pink.

We made a few snaps together on all of our phones and uploaded it to our stories before going downstairs where are parents were

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We made a few snaps together on all of our phones and uploaded it to our stories before going downstairs where are parents were.
They were looking fine negl.
We all got into the matte black range and routed bae's yard. I snapped in the car
Caption: dinner at bae's x
"Okay Bailey's mum is called Carletta, don't mention his dad and she's probably gonna say 'hola Linda' when she opens the door"
"It means hi pretty girl and she calls me that all the time"
Dad pulled up outside the house and we all got outta the car and walked to the door.
I rang the doorbell and in a matter of moments, Carletta came to the door.
I spoke first because I knew she couldn't tell me and my sisters apart.
"¡Hola Carletta!"
She smiled "¡hola Linda!"
She looked up at the rest of the family "nice to meet you" she smiled and gave everyone hugs and then I walked in the house as Bailey walked down the stairs.
He licked and bit his lip taking out his phone to snap me.
"Mmm don't she look beautiful"
My face warmed and I giggled turning away.
Caption: damn 😍😭👀
Bailey was wearing a long sleeved polo and jeans. He was looking fine af
"You look good" I bit my lip
He chuckled "thanks b" he came and gave me a hug
"Hi Bailey" my sisters smiled walking in behind me
"Hey girls" he gave them both hugs "hi Samantha" he gave her a hug
"Hi Bailey" she smiled hugging him back
"Kl Jayden?"
"Kll" they shared a man hug.
So far so good 😊
We were all sat around the dinner table and Carletta bought out the first dish
"This is-"
"Mmm Gambas al ajillo" Bailey finished
His Spanish accent got me feeling some time of way 😩, I looked down
Carletta smiled "sí, it's basically garlic shrimp, hope you enjoy" she smiled and everyone started to eat and share convo and what not.
The next dish was paella
Word this is peng 😩 Bailey's made it for me before
We all ate and shared jokes and it made me smile to see Bailey relaxed and happy I guess. I love seeing him like this; it literally warms my heart.
For dessert we had Churros con chocolate
(Churros with chocolate)
And worddddd they're peng

We spoke for abit more and thanked Carletta for the meal and said our goodbyes.
Bailey kissed me goodbye and then pulled me in for a hug.
"I'll call you later" he whispered in my ear
I smiled and then we left

"So what do you think of Carletta?" I asked as dad started to drive
"I like her" mum said and dad agreed
"She's a good chef" mum added and everyone agreed
I smiled "good good"

Successful night 😊✌🏽

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