Chapter 973

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Bailey's POV
"perdiste la virginidad?"
(Did you lose your virginity?)
I smiled "sí"
She started smoking bare and gave me the biggest hug
"Oh , mi Dios Bailey , que está creciendo!"
(OMDZ Bailey, you're growing up!)
I smiled "sí mamá, la amo muchisimo"
(Yes mum, I love her a lot)
"Arwhh" she smiled
We was interrupted by the ringing of the doorbell.
Mum got up to answer it and I just went on my phone.
"Oh por el amor de Dios" my mum said making me raise an eyebrow and walk to the door
(Oh for the love of God)
I sighed
"Let me see my son"
"I'm not your son" I said to my "dad"
He looked at me "Bailey I'm sorry-"
"Idc, fuck off" I shrugged
"No you put your wife before me so i dnt give a shit anymore, bye"
"Just leave Daniel" mum sighed
"Shut up, you stole my son and-"
"Don't speak to my mum like that"
"Daniel just go!" Mum said again
He slapped her and she burst into tears.
Angry was not even the word.
"Are you fucking stupid?!" I charged towards him and boxed him in his face and he fought back.
Like 5-10 minutes later mum pulled me back
"ARGHHH FUCK YOU. I HATE YOU. DONT FUCKING COME BACK HERE!!!" I pushed him outta the house and shut the door.
My mum was still in tears and so I just gave her the bigges hug and she cried in my chest.

I told her to get some rest and she went up to her room. I was gonna go to my own room but the doorbell rang again and I went to answer.
"Hey babe"
"Your face!"
I touched my face "oh shit" I didn't even clock I was bleeding

Skyler's POV
"What happened?" I asked pulling him into the kitchen
He re told the story of what had happened and I didn't say anything for a while. I just cleaned him up.
"Bailey I'm so sorry"
He shook his head "Skyler it's fine" he sighed
"Skyler trust me, it's fine"
I nodded my head and looked down
He lifted my chin and pulled me in for a kiss "te amo" (I love you)
"También te amo" (I love you too) "I don't like seeing you hurt tho"
He looked down and I just pulled him in for s hug

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