Chapter 1034

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Kamal's POV
At the clinic they discussed with Kalani her options and whether she's sure she wants to do this and every time they asked her I knew it was irritating her.
Kalani is gonna have a medical abortion which means she's gonna take a pill today which stops the production of hormones which allow the pregnancy to continue and two days later she has to come back to take another pill which breaks down the uterus lining, so she's gonna bleed basically
"Erm, w-will it hurt?"
"You'll get some period type pains but Ofc you can take some pain killers for that"
She nodded once
"Okay, are you sure you're ready to do this?"
She nodded once again and then the doctor went to go get the meds.
I took £600 out my wallet to pay
"I'll pay you back as soon as I-"
"Shhh" I shook my head "Kalani this is on both of us so I'm gonna pay and you're not gonna pay me back. Alright"
She nodded and gave me a hug and I kissed her forehead.
Mum smiled
Dad didn't come because he didn't want Kalani feeling anymore uneasy.
The doctor came back with the pill in some plastic shot glass like cup and some water and handed it to Kalani.

Kalani's POV
I looked at the pill for a bit thinking how this one pill can end so much. Wow
"Are you sure-"
I backed the pill and downed it with some water cutting off her question.
I don't want to be asked that fucking question. I don't want think about it.
"Okay, well, come back in two days for the next step"
I nodded
"Where do I pay?"
"At the front desk"
"Thank you" and with that we walked out, Kamal paid, and we routed back to his house.
I leaned my head on his shoulder trying to fight back tears and he hugged me close to him.
We got back to his yard and we went up to his room
I stood in the doorway and looked around as he went to put his shoes away
"Whatsup?" He asked coming back
"Your room is lit af"
I walked around his room, went into his ensuites bathroom and his walk in closet. Damn, he has clothes and trainers for days. His room is actually live, and it's so tidy.

When me and Kamal beat, it was at my house because my mums never in. She's always working.

I looked at all his clothes and trainers, he has a good dress sense tbh, all branded up.
Ahhh what I would give to have alla this.
I turned around and bumped right into his chest
"Oh, sorry"
He lifted my chin so our eyes met
"I wanna give you the world you kno"
I felt my face start to burn, I didn't know what to say
"You deserve it" he continued and a tear rolled down my face.
He wiped it away with his warm hands.
"Kalani, I love you"
"I love you too babe" I tiptoed and kissed his lips "and I appreciate everything you've done for me and not just today. Tha-"
"Don't thank me"
"Why not?"
He sighed "Ik you're being kind and I also know you feel like you owe me something, babe you don't owe me anything. I do these things for you because I love you and I want you to be comfortable being you. I want you to be happy"
I looked down "Kamal, can I show you something?"
"Yh sure"
"You can't tell anyone. Please"

Kamal's POV
I nodded
She lifted up her top and there was a large purple bruise going up her side and spreading onto her back. She pulled down her joggers and the same thing was on her thigh and ass.
I was in complete shock.
I went to touch it and she winced slightly
"Who done -"
"My mum"
"Last night. Every night. I told you she hates me. A mistake she regrets everyday"
"Kalani look at me"
She looked up at me
"You're not a mistake. Why didn't you tell me this www happening before?"
"Because it's embarrassing Kamal. My mum beats me and-"
She broke down in tears and I hugged her close to me.
"Can I tell my parents?"
She started shaking her head
"Please babe, you can't stay there"
She didn't reply.
"You don't have to come with me, you can wait up here"
She nodded and sat on her bed and I went downstairs
Mum and dad were in the living room with Jarell.
"Mum, dad, can I talk to you in the kitchen"
They got up and followed me into the kit hind where Jamal was eating crisps.
"What's up son?"
"Kalani's mum beats her up"
"She what?"
"Yh she has this purple / red bruises going up her side onto her back and down her thigh"
Jamal left the kitchen
"Yh, so I was wondering if she could stay here for a bit. Just a little bit"
"She's welcome to but no sex"
I nodded
"what about her mum"
"Idrk tbh. Can I take her out to brighten the mood, I don't want her depression getting any worse" I said running my hand through my hair
"Aren't you the gentleman" mum smiled
"Where do you think he gets it from?" Dad asked and we all shared a laugh

Jamal's POV
I went upstairs to Kalani and Janai was chatting to her. I stood in the doorway.
"You're really pretty"
She smiled "thank you so are you"
"Thank you" Janai giggled "you look like you were crying. Is Kamal being mean to you?"
She shook her head "Kamal is being really nice to me actually"
"That's good, nice meeting you Kalani"
"You too Janai" and with that she left the room and Kamal walked in after
Kalani looked at both of us.
"You too look exactly the same"
I chuckled "I'm better looking than him"
"Whatever" Kamal laughed
"You good Kalani?"
She nodded and then smiled "thanks for asking"
"Np" and then I left

Kamal's POV
"Do you wanna stay here for a while?"
Her eyes opened wide "are you sure?"
I nodded
"And your parents are cool with it?"
I nodded again "just no sex"
She nodded and then gave me a big hug
"Thank you for everything"
"Stop thanking me b"
She smiled
"Well come on then"
"Taking you out. My treat"
"Shopping, you're gonna need some clothes if you're staying here" I said
I used that as an excuse because Ik she wouldn't let me just take her shopping. She doesn't like feeling like she's using me for my money.
"I don't have any-"
"I'm paying"
She started to shake her head
"Please babe, it's my treat"
"Okay" she gave in and we were off

"What shops can I go in?"
"Any Idm"
"Are you sure?"
"Do I have a limit?"
I chuckled "babe just pick what you want and don't look at the price"
"I love you"
"I love you too"
She walked into the shops and I snapped her
Caption: treating her ❤️

Kalani picked clothes and I picked some things I think she would look nice in cah it's summer holidays now and she's gonna need some summer clothes.
I didn't get much as the summer clothes I ordered are coming soon- well that my parents ordered

"Do you want anything from here?" I asked
"From Ralph?"
She shrugged
I chuckled and took her in and chose a few polos and dresses for her.
By the end we had gone to
New look
Victoria secret
America apparel
True religion
G star

And then we went subway because she loves it.

I ordered an uber and we made our way back to mine

Kalani's POV
"Thank you so much for doing this to me"
He chuckled "that's no problem babes"
I smiled and we took a picture for snap.
Caption: my world fr 🌍✨

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