Chapter 939

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Jayden's POV
Samantha's been so stressed. She's organising a catwalk for her spring collection so her and Sharon need to find quite a lot of models for the event and a venue because I don't think she's gonna hold it at the Riley studios.
All of Samantha's lines are big aswell they got from children to adults and obviously there are gonna be agents there so it gives the people in the Riley agency a chance for an agent.

Samantha's POV
So far, I've found a venue and all my models seem to be up for it. Obviously I'm gonna have my children model for me. I was gonna get my grandchildren to model aswell but there are quite a lot of children in the Riley agency and I wanna give them the chance for a potential agent.
The only problem that I'm facing here is that not all the clothes are ready and we have a dress rehearsal on Friday and the catwalk is on Saturday.

Isis's POV
"Guess what?" I smiled
"What?!" Jayda and Skyler asked
I showed them the picture of Riley's neck.
The both gasped and covered there mouths.
"Is that Riley's neck?" Jayda asked
I smiled and nodded
"Omdz" they both said
I smiled and looked away and they both started to giggle
"I want a love bite" I asked
"You can't tho"
"Yh ik because dad will go crazy"
We all laughed again
"You excited for the cat walk on Saturday?"
"Kinda nervous, we're opening the show" I said
"Oh Yh"
"Oh well, first time for everything" Skye said
This is gonna be our first catwalk btw

Jessica's POV
I went to go and pree Riley's snap and what I saw pissed me off to the max.
He has a love bite!
Correction: he has four love bites!
And they look so peng.
How can he have love bites If I didn't give them to him????
Argh I hate Isis I swear.
She's such a scrape, why does she have to beg it with my bæ?!

Riley's POV
My phone started to ring and I looked at my phone and Jessica was FaceTiming me.
I screwed and cut the phone. Do you now how disrespectful that is?
How can you ft me without making an appointment?
Is my name bill?
The only person that can do that is bæ and she's nowhere near that status. Like far far far from that.
She ft'ed me again and I ended it.
I sent her a message.
Riley: fuck off and stop belling my phone.

Jessica's POV

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