Chapter 897

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Renae's POV
Ngl, I can't stop thinking about Mason. Like I'm sat in bed just thinking about him. He just makes me so happy like idek...
The way he looks at me just makes me feel so special
I was taken out of my thoughts by the knocking on my door
"come in"
Mum walked in and sat at the edge of my bed
"mum, I can't stop thinking about him" I said running my hand through my hair
She smiled "arwh that's cute, you're falling in love"
I got instant butterflies in my stomach and my face started to burn
"It's okay Renae, we can't jinx it though"
I nodded "but if I am falling in love with him, we can't be together for like 2 years..."
Mum nodded "true, but I think that's better. You can get to know eachother more in that 2 years and relationships do bring a lot of trouble and you might think that if you go out sooner, it will put the problems out the way but it won't"
"How comes?" I asked
"because you'll be too young to sort the problems out. It's best you wait - patience is key"
I smiled and nodded "thanks mum"


Samantha's POV
I walked into the bedroom and Jayden was just pree'ing me
I looked at him "you still tryna get you dick sucked or suin?" I asked starting to cornrow my hair into two
He smiled and chuckled looking down into his lap
"I'll think about it" I smiled and he looked straight up at me
"Don't mock me like that"

I started to giggle and he shook his head


Mason's POV
I came round to Renae's to get her for school and her mum answered the door to me
"Hi Mrs Gibson" I said
She smiled letting me in "Hi Mason, and you can call me India"
I smiled and nodded
"Renae is still getting ready"
"oh okay" I said following India into the kitchen
Renae's dad walked in
"Hi Mr Gibson"
"Yo" he smiled and spudded me "you can call me Rhys btw"
I smiled and nodded
"Help your self to breakfast" India said and I just took some fruits.
A couple minutes later, Renae came walking downstairs and her hair was just mad curly, she looked beautiful
She smiled when she saw me "hey"

I smiled back "hii" and gave her a hug
"ha, your skirts too short" I said

She looked down and then back up at me and India started to giggle
"I agree" Rhys said and I smiled making Renae playfully roll her eyes
"remember them year 9's that tried to move you and the triplets? We don't want anymore of that"
"What?" Rhys asked raising his eyebrow
I smiled "it's calm, she savaged them" I said looking back at Renae

She flicked her hair "what can I say?"
We laughed and Renae picked up some fruit; we said bye to her parents and then we routed school
"You look beautiful by the way"
She smiled and slyly blushed "thank you"
I smiled and held onto her hand as we continued to route school

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