Chapter 862

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Tyrell's POV
Today's match was lit
It us vs Mk Dons
I scored a hatrick
Isaac scored a penalty
Jordan also scored
At like 65 mins me and Isaac were substituted which was calm cah I was tired as fuck.
Some people in the crown called us over and we started to sign autographs and take photos with them.
Aaliyah's at home cah I didn't want her to be out in this cold weather.
The game ended and we won 5-1 💯
I said bye to the guys and then routed back home to my wife.

When I got home she was in the kitchen eating
"Hi beautiful"
She turns around with a tube of Pringles in her hand.
She ran over and gave me a big hug
"Well done on that sexy hatrick b"
I smiled "thank you" I said kissing her head. "What did you eat?"
"Um Pringles, cake, ice cream-"
"Have you had any actual meals"
She shook her head making me shake mine
"Babe that's so unhealthy"
"Ik" she looked down
"Imma cook for you"
"Oooo what Yu gonna cook"
"Stir fry"
"And prawns?"
I smiled and went upstairs. I had a quick shower and then came back downstairs to cook for bae.

Corey's POV
Kiendra was asleep now and me Kyanne and our parents were jc in the livingroom.
Kyanne looked at me and I nodded
"Um mum, dad"
"Yes princess"
"Um, nvm" she looked at me "Corey I can't" and then she ran upstairs to her room.
"What was all that about?" Dad asked
I sighed "Kyanne self harms"
"What are you talking about?"
"She slits her thighs with a knife at night when she's upset because it makes her feel better. She thinks you guys don't want her anymore and she wants to go away from everyone. She wants to be by herself"'
Mum burst into tears
"Are her cuts bad?" Dad asked
I nodded
They got up and went upstairs to Kyanne.

"Kyanne why didn't you speak to us about it" mum cried
"Coz you guys are always with Kiendra and you don't care about me"
"Ofc we care about you princess"
"You can speak to us about anything okay"
She slowly nodded.
Mum lifted her nightie to reveal all of Kyanne's cuts which just made mum cry harder and dad looked shocked.
They gave her a hug and Kyanne started to cry herself.
I hope she becomes happier.

Writer's POV
Check out my new story, He's a Murderer.
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