Chapter 931

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Isis's POV
I woke up this morning with a banging headache. It's been happening a lot recently and I don't like it. I started googling about it and it seems like I keep getting migraines and aura (blurred vision) so I've been wearing my glasses a lot lately.
I dealt with my hygiene and put on a Riley tracky, Riley socks and sliders and went downstairs for breakfast whilst tying my hair into a man bun.
I sat down at the table and with everyone else.
"Do you have a headache?" Jayda asked me
"Yh why?"
"Because I'm getting slight pain in my head"
"Same" Skyler added
"You can feel eachothers pain?" Mum asked
I looked at my sisters then back at her
"Yh I guess" I said making some cereal
"It's a thing youkno" Jayda started "Coz we all have the same dna"
"Ohhhhhh" dad nodded
"That's gonna be peak when one of you is giving birth youkno" mum giggled
"Ohhhh yhhhhh" we sighed and mum and dad laughed at us

After breakfast, I went back upstairs and went to bed. This headache better be gone before I wake up.

Bailey's POV
I got ready to see Skyler because she hasn't been on her phone in ages. I put my shoes on, grabbed my coat, said bye to my parents and the routed to her house.

When I got there, I said hi to Jayden and Samantha and then went upstairs to Skyler's room.
"Yo b"
She turned around and took off her mask with a smile on her face.
"Hey" she came over to give me a hug.
"Your room is looking peng still" I said looking around
She smiled "thank you" and she went back to painting some words coming out of a woman's mouth. Her graffiti name was banging as well.
I looked at her printer and there were hells papers coming out.
"What's all this?" I asked
She turned and looked at me "oh that's from my collage"
"Want me to cut it out?"
She smiled "yes please"
I sat at her desk and started to cut out her pictures and there were some really nice pictures here of different countries, her family and some with me and her. They were actually mad cute.
"How you been tho Skye"
"Busy tryna finish this wbu"
I smiled "I've been good, do you wanna go out tomorrow?"
"Like a date?" She asked turning around
I chuckled "Yh a date"
She took her mask off and smiled "Yh ofc, where we going?"
"Anywhere you want b"
"Can we go watch batman vs superman?"
"Yh sure and restaurant after Yh?"
"Yhh" she nodded "our first date" she smiled
I smiled back "Yh"

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