Chapter 866

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Isaac's POV
I woke up in the middle of the night. Well morning it's like 2am
I dnt even know why I'm awake.
I yawned rubbing my eyes and went to open the balcony doors and just looked out. Now that I think about it, I've come so far in life like since I was little, going through school and now I'm about to have two little boys.
My princes.
I smiled to myself and then I heard the click of Rhea's bedside light and turned to her.
"How comes your awake babe?" She yawned
I shrugged my shoulders and went to sit next to her and she leaned her head on my chest.
"Ahh" she groaned adjusting her position
"What's wrong?"
"Um nothing, they just moving around" I nodded and then rubbed her stomach.
We started to watch tv because we couldn't get back to sleep. About 20minutes later, Rhea groaned again.
"Babe are you sure you're okay?"
She thought for a moment "I'm sure it's fine"
"Nah I think we should go hospital just incase"
She looked so nervous so I kissed her lips
"Rhea, it's okay"
She smiled weakly and nodded at me.
We got ready then got all of our things. We got into the Range Rover and routed to the hospital.
Everyone's probably asleep now but we messaged them anyways to say that we're enroute.

When we got their we checked in and got our room. I helped Rhea up onto the bed and she looked so nervous.
She smiled up at me weakly

After she got dressed into her gown, her midwife (her mum) came in to do a scan and see how everything is going.
She said the babies are in the correct position but it's gonna take time before the labour actually started.
We thanked her and then she left.
"You can go sleep if you want" I said to her
"Lay with me"
I smiled and got in the hospital bed and laid with her. We took a few pictures and videos on snapchat and then I cuddled up with her.
"Isaac" she said quietly
"I'm scared"
I hugged her closer to me and kissed her cheek "don't be babe. It's gonna be okay"

So now it was about 5am and Rhea has gotten up 10+ times needing to pee.
Right now she was awake because of pains in her back and stomach. I gave her back rubs which seemed to help.
"Arghhhhh!" She groaned grabbing tight onto my hand "Isaac it hurts"
"Ik babygirl"

Rhea's contractions were getting worse and worse and she kept falling in and out of her sleep. I felt so bad because Ik she hates pain like sometimes she can't even hack her period so she's probably feeling like shit rn.

The contractions were so bad now. Idek what to say.

Rhea's POV
Isaac continued to rub my back and I didn't realise something so little would help so much.
Oh my life this hurts so much.
I laid back on the bed and held onto Isaac's hand.
I squeezed his hand really tight as the next contraction came and pushed really hard. I tried to forget about the pain, I just want them out!
I pushed again and again and it didn't seem to be doing anything.
I took a loud deep breath.
"You're doing well babygirl" Isaac said tying my hair up
"No I'm not"
"You are Rhea, they're nearly here now" mum reassured me and Isaac kissed my forehead
"I'm so tired" I yawned
"Are you sure you don't want gas and air?" My mum asked.
I nodded "I wanna prove to myself that I can do this"
I smiled and squeezed her hand.

They are so beautiful. My little prince's.
Me and Isaac named one of them each.
Isaac names one Kamal
I named one Jamal
And they are so beautiful. When I first saw them tears came to my eyes.
I actually can't believe it.
The twins went to sleep in their cots and then me and Isaac slept for a while.

I had a good sleep and everyone was hear now. My parents Isaac's parents my brothers, the triplets, Aysia and the whole squad.
We explained everything that happened and both my mums reckon I had a mad long labour and now that I think about it, I did but,
It was worth it

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