Chapter 953

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Bailey's POV
I got home and went upstairs to my room and had a quick shower, changed and slumped on my bed.
There was knocking at my door but I didn't reply.
It was my step mum
"Get out my room" I said without looking at her
I didn't hear any movement "get out"
"I just wanna-"
"Idc. Bye" I smiled sarcastically.
She looked down and left.

2 2'z now my dads walking into my room. He didn't even knock 🙄
"What you telling me?" I said replying to comments on Instagram
"Why do you have to be so rude to her?"
"I'm not"
"You are"
"Okay. Ngl, I don't actually care" I shrugged.
"Well you're gonna have to start showing her respect because she's my wife and we are ALL moving to Italy together"
I looked up at him "I already told you I'm not coming"
"Yh and I already told you that you don't have a choice"
I rolled my eyes "Yh If that's what you think"
"I don't understand what you have against her. She's trying and you won't even let her"
"Erm she already ruined my life. Just reminding you incase you forgot because I didn't. My parents split up when I was in year 7 because of her and she wants to ruin my life further by taking me away from my mum my squad and my girl. Did you even tell mum wag1? No. So she can fuck off for all I care" I said looking up at him
He looked at me for a moment and then slapped me in my face.
I got so angry. It didn't hurt but I wanted to bang out.
"Yh, So it's that type of party? New wife got you on ropes Yh? All putting her before me and ting. I do not respec it but do your ting"
He slapped me again and now I just was not having it I got so angry and so I fought back.
We started fighting like proper and I was so angry at this point. His stupid bitch came running in and dragged him away.
I laughed lightly as I wiped blood from my face.
"Fuck you man. Both of you"
I pushed them outta my room and locked the door and tears of anger rolled down my face.
My phone started to ring and it was Skyler FaceTiming me.

Skyler's POV
He answered and I looked at him.
"OMDZ babe?! What happened??" I covered my mouth. My heart felt heavy
"Fight with my dad" he said bluntly
"Tell me what happened"
He re told the story and my heart literally broke in my chest. I've never seen Bailey cry before. I new they were tears of anger but still. He all had blood dripping down his face.
"Arwh baby" I put a hand on my chest "my heart is actually breaking for you"
"Dw about me b"
"No I am very worried about you"

Bailey's POV
I smiled abit
"Babe I'm fine"
"Skyler I'm fine"
She slowly nodded her head
"I love you youkno"
I smiled "I love you too"
She smiled and blushed making me smile
"I'll call you later Yh?"
She nodded "bye b"
*locked off*
I went to get some suitcases and some boxes and packed all my shit.
Everything I own.
There was nothing but furniture left in my room.
I ordered a big über and carried all my things downstairs and into the car as quiet as possible. I don't wanna be in another argument or fight. I'm just tryna get the fuck outta here. When I was done I slowly shut the door and got in the car.

Carletta's POV
The doorbell rang so I went to answer.
I gasped and covered my mouth.
"Bailey, que te hizo esto ?" I asked as my eyes watered
(Bailey, who did this to you?)
"Su ex marido"
(your ex husband)
I pulled him in for a tight hug as tears streamed down my face.
"Lo siento mucho Bailey. Lo siento mucho"
(I'm so sorry Bailey. I'm so sorry)
He nodded and then I helped him carry all his things in.
We went into the kitchen and I started to clean up the cut on his face wiping the blood away.
"Mamá, No quiero que vayas allí y la maldición."
(Mum I don't want you to go there and cuss)
"Por que?"
"porque no quiero que te haga daño"
(Because I don't want him to hurt you)
I nodded and kissed his cheek as I cleaned him up.

Bailey's POV
I followed her upstairs and she showed me to a room.
"This is your new room Bailey"
"Gracias mamá"
"De nada" she hugged and kissed me and I started to unpack
When I was done mum called me down for dinner.


Skyler's POV
It was about 11pm and I couldn't sleep. I was so worried about Bailey. What if he got into another fight with his dad?
I can't even think straight.
I tried calling him but he ain't answering.

I jumped when my phone started to ring and it was Bailey FaceTiming me. I smiled and answered
"Hey babe"
"Hi beautiful"
"Where are u?"
"Moved in with my mum"
I smiled "good good, I was worried about you"
He smiled "no need b, im all good"
I smiled "can you speak Spanish to me"
"Ir a la cama hermosa , que necesita para descansar"
(Go to your bed beautiful, you need to rest)
"Your accent is too peng"
"Gracias and I said go to your bed beautiful you need to rest"
She giggled "buenas noches, te amo"
(Goodnight, I love you)
"Buenas noches bebé, también te amo"
(Goodnight, I love you too)
*locked off*

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