Chapter 863

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~week later~
Andre's POV
Bethany has been ordering the last bits for the baby and she's actually so excited which makes me excited too.
She's upstairs taking at nap at them moment. She's been really tired lately.
I'm putting the finishing touches on our princess' room.
We haven't got a name for her yet though.
"Babe" I heard Bethany call from next door
I went to her
"Yes baby "
"My stomach really hurts"
"Wdym?" I asked raising an eyebrow
"I mean I wanna go hospital"
"Fr fr?"
"Yh fr" she smiled weakly
I smiled and then gave her a hug then went back to get the baby's bag.
When I got back in the room she had her things.
We got into the car and I drove to the hospital

Bethany's POV
I'm nervous asf rn
When we got to the hospital, I checked in and sat on the bed. I put on a gown and waited for my midwife to come into the room.
"Hi Bethany, how you feeling?"
"um... nervous"
She smiled "that's normal for giving birth to your first child"
I smiled weekly and Andre squeezed my hand.
I lifted my gown so she was able to do an ultrasound scan.
"Well it looks like your baby is in the right position to come now. You're about two weeks early but it's okay if you want us to break your waters. Would you like us to?"
"um... yes please"


She popped my water for me and my nerves increased even more.
"Ring the buzzer if you need me" she smiled before leaving
I looked at Andre
"You look so nervous" He said squeezing my hand
I smiled lightly, "I am"
"Don't be. We got this"
I smiled and then got up out the bed.
I started walking around
"Where you going?"
I turned back to face him
"We got a long night ahead of us, I'm tryna get this labour started"
He smiled at me and I continued to walk around the room rubbing my stomach.

~ 2 hours later ~

I was now sitting on one of them yoga balls bouncing up and down. I got pains in my stomach every now and again but nothing to major.
"You hungry?" He asked holding my hands as I bounced up ad down

Andre's POV
A smile appeared on her face making me smile
"oooo yhhhhhhhh" she smiled "can we order pizza with chicken and olives and sweetcorn and pineapples and yh extra chicken and extra cheese. Did I already say pineapple?"
I laughed "yh, you did"
"oh" she giggled
I smiled "You're so cute"
She smiled "thank you- oooooo and can I get apple jui-"
"nooo, only clear fluids for you"
she frowned "oww" then a smiled appeared on her face "can I have sprite please??"
I smiled "ofc you can" I said taking out my phone to call Papa Johns

~ 1 hour later ~

Bethany had finished eating and now she's asleep. I've been taking quite a few pics and videos of her because ik she would love to watch them back.

~ 1 hour later ~

It was getting late now though, like 11pm and nothing has happened yet and Bethany is getting restless. Her contractions are getting worse aswell.

By the time it got to midnight, her contractions were really bad and she was gripping on to me hand really tight and breathing really deeply. With her free hand she called the midwife using the buzzer and then started to breathe in the gas and air.
She took very deep breaths of it and groaned quite loudly
"arghhhhhh baby it hurtssssss" She moaned
"ik baby" I said gripping her hand tighter "You can do this babe"


"Ughhhhhh AHHHHHHHH" her eyes closed tight
"nearly there Bethany" the midwife encouraged
"come on babes, just a few more pushes"
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" she screamed. She sounded like she was in so much pain and I felt so helpless
"I can see the head, just a few more pushes!!"
She pushed again and again and finally-
"She's here!!" The midwife smiled laying my princess on Bethany's lap.
Both my new born princess and Bethany started to cry causing my to cry too
"She's so beautiful"
Bethany smiled and nodded.
We looked down at her and she popped her eyes open
"arwhhh" we both cooed
Her eyes are a hazel brown, just like her mum's, so beautiful.

The midwife took a few pictures of us
"Do you have a name yet?"
Me and Bethany looked at eachother...

Writer's POV
Comment baby names for the next chapter please!!

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