Chapter 947

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~ next day ~
Renae's POV
My parents haven't called me to tell me that they have finished arguing so I'm still at Mason's yard. Good thing I packed school uniform ✌🏾️
I looked over at him coming out of my thoughts "mmm?"
"What's wrong?"
"I'm waiting for something that's probably not gonna happen"
"What?" He sat down next to me in his bed
"I'm waiting for them to tell me they've finished arguing and I can come home now but they haven't. I've never seen them argue before and ahhh I just don't know" I put my head in my hands.

He hugged me close to him "babe remember I told you it's all gonna be okay, my parents have argued before and they're still together. No relationship is perfect, everyone argues. We'll even have our arguments"
I slowly nodded my head
"I just want it to be over. I hate not knowing what's going on"

Mason's POV
She looked down into her lap and a few tears dropped. And I'm being so fr when I say that crushed my heart - to see my girl cry.
I lifted her chin so she faced me and she moved her eyes and looked everywhere else but me.
"Look at me"
Her eyes slowly moved and locked with mine
"Babe, don't cry, I'm telling you everything will be 1000% okay. I promise"
She didn't reply
"Renae, I promise" I said and wiped her tears
She smiled weakly and nodded her head
I leaned in and kissed her lips and we made out for abit.
I pulled away and ran my hand through her hair "I don't like seeing you cry b"
She smiled weakly "I love you"
"I love you too beautiful"
We snuggled up together and soon fell asleep

Rhys's POV
"Do you wanna go through my phone or suin?"
She looked up at me
"I have nothing to hide" I shrugged
She shrugged her shoulders and I gave her my phone. She unlocked it and started to look through. I left the room.

India's POV
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