Chapter 921

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Jayda's POV
Longest flight of my life.
When we got to the apartment we were staying in, I put my suitcase down, changed into my pyjama's and jumped straight into bed.

Jayce's POV
When I put my suitcase down, I went to Jayda's room but she was asleep.
"Jayda" I called, she's such a light sleeper but hates being woken up
She groaned and turned to face me "yh"
I sat next to her in bed and she sat up next to me
"What's so important that you had to wake me up?"
I smiled "I wanna kiss"
"seriously Jayce?"
"yes I'm being serious"
She smiled and leaned in to kiss me and I kissed her back. After we made out for a couple of minutes, she pulled away and looked at me.
"night Jayce" she smiled and I kissed her once more
"Night beautiful"

Samantha's POV
Ngl, I'm really happy that my parents got to come on this holiday because I want to spend as much time with her tbh. I also want to do a clothing line dedicated to her so we can model together for the first and last time. I think that would be so nice as my fans haven't really seen my mum before.

I got into bed with Jayden and he held me close to him.
"I love you Jayden"
He hugged me tighter "I love you too beautiful"


Skyler's POV
The plan for today was to go to Dubai's fountains. Seeing as we arrived in the country at 8am and everyone slept until about 4pm, we decided we'll go out in the evening to see the fountains. Right now, it was about 6pm and we were having breakfast, lunch and dinner mashed into one meal.
Mum and both my grandmas cooked for us. There was just hella fish seeing as it is good friday. I'm not even that keen on fish but idm. The salad was sexy and then there was hardo bread, bun and cheese etc etc. After eating, I swear I felt so fat.

After we ate, we all got ready to go and see the fountains and negl, I'm really excited because I've always wanted to come and see them and they're so pretty.

Isaac's POV
"It's just as beautiful as I remembered" Rhea said holding my hand
I smiled squeezing her hand "yhh"
Me and Rhea came here on our honeymoon and tbh it feels like just the other day
Mannnn, I did well for myself

Samantha's POV
We routed to the fountains and I was taking so many pictures. Dubai is actually such a beautiful city, I swear

Skyler's POV
OMDZ, the fountains are BEAUTIFUL
"You really like it innit?" Bailey asked coming behind me while I took pictures
I smiled and nodded "they're beautiful"
He smiled down at me "Just like you"

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