Chapter 964

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Riley's POV
She squealed as I continued to tickle her. She's so cute 😅
She laid on my bed out of breath and I knelt over her.
"Riley" she giggled
I smiled and leaned down to kiss her and we made out for a while and I started kissing on her neck.
"Mmm we need to stop..." I said
"Why?" She questioned
"Because I'm not allowed to have sex with you"
She smiled "it's okay" she said and then started kissing on my neck
I raised an eyebrow "are you sure?"
She giggled "Yh"
I smiled and put my hands up her top and felt her warm skin

We started to undress each other....

Isis's POV
I pulled down his boxers and I saw his dick bi raised an eyebrow. I quickly moved my hands back, I was kinda scared to touch it.
He smiled down at me "why you scared?"
I looked down and shrugged as he slid on a condom. He leaned down and started to kiss me. It relaxed me abit but I was still really nervous.
He pushed it in and I broke the kiss
"Ahh - oh my god" I shut my eyes.

Riley's POV
I continued to stroke in and out of her and her eyes shut tighter.
I did long slow strokes so she could feel every inch of me 😏
Her back arched slightly
"R-Rileyyyyy" she moaned and it sounded so sexy 😩😩
"Mmmhmm?" I replied getting abit faster
"Ahhh ahhhhhh" she moaned and she covered her face.
I smiled "you like it?"
"Ughhhhhhh" she moaned again
I smiled "I'll take that as a yes"
Her back arched slightly as I continued going in and out of her. I went really fast and she started to let out little screams.
"AH AH AH AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" She moaned
I smiled "mmm cum for me princess"
"UGHHHHHHHHH" she moaned, sounds too peng
"Uhh" I groaned
"AHHHHH" she let out a deep breath "I-I'm g-gonna cummmmmmm!!"
"Mmm cum then" I smiled
"UHHHHHHHHHHHH" she moaned and creamed all over my dick
"Ahhhhhh" I smiled and bussed in the condom
I pulled out of her and threw the condom away and then laid next to her as she caught her breath
"D'you like that b?"
"Mmhmm" she said nodding her head
I smiled and started kissing her neck leaving her a few love bites.
"Rileyyy; my narni hurts"
(Narni means vagina btw)
I chuckled "Yh I fucked that shit up"
She giggled and hit my chest playfully
"I love you princess"
"I love you too babes"

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