Chapter 995

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Skyler's POV
I woke up the next morning from the shittiest sleep ever. Last night I was so worried about Bailey and I had to convince myself that he was just asleep and that's why he didn't answer my calls, because he was sleeping.
This morning I dealt with my hygiene and got dressed into a Nike tracky and slumped down on my bed. I had so many stories to watch.
Because me and my sisters model, our social medias are always promoted and so we get about 1K + views on sc. I scrolled through and watched certain stories. Bailey posted something at about 4am this morning and so I clicked on his name to view his story.
I got this sharp pain in my chest as the picture came and left.
It was one second.
It was him taking a picture pf himself in a hospital bed but it wasn't using the front camera. You could see no skin and you couldn't see his face but I just knew it was him.
The caption read: awake...
And the time filter read: 4:07

I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to do. He hasn't even called me back or messaged me and ahh I just don't know. I broke down in tears and cried for a good 10 minutes before moving off my bed. I went and put some trainers on and a coat before walking downstairs.
My whole family were in the kitchen eating breakfast and as I walked past, they all looked up at me
"Skyler..." Mum started
"You look like you've been crying..." Dad said and my eyes started to water again
"Bailey's in hospital" I mumbled
"why?" They all asked
I shrugged and wiped my tears
"Is it-" Jayda started but I cut her off
"what?" mum and dad asked
"Bailey self harms" Isis said
Mum and Dad looked at me and I just ran back upstairs and cried on my bed for a while
I tried calling Bailey again and he didn't reply.
I had this really bad pain in my chest and I really wanted it to go away.
I calmed myself down and ordered myself an uber.
I walked out the house before anyone could stop me and made my way to the hospital.
When I got there, I asked to see Bailey and I was told the room and I made my way there.
I slowly opened the door and walked in. Carletta looked tired and upset and Bailey was asleep
"Hola Linda" she cracked a smiled
"Hola Carletta"
"How did you know Bailey was here?"
I showed her the picture he put on snapchat and she nodded. She looked up at me
"Have you been crying linda?"
I nodded and my eyes started to water again and she gave me a tight hug and I hugged her back.
"What happened?" I asked
She stared telling me how Bailey told her everything that's been going on with him last night and about half an hour later he came to her with blood pouring out of his arm and how Bailey said he had cut too deep and he passed out before the ambulance arrived. She said they had stitched up the cut that caused him to lose all that blood and he's been asleep ever since then.
I started crying again "This is all my fault!"
"no linda, it's not"
I nodded "I told him to tell you what he's going through and now look! Look what I've done!" I broke down in tears and she hugged me tight.
"argh" Bailey groaned and started to sit up
I looked over at him and he started to open his eyes
"Why you crying?"
"I'll leave you two to talk" Carletta said standing up to leave the room
"This is all my fault, if I didn't tell you to tell your mum, this probably wouldn't have happened, I'm so s-"
"Don't even think about apologising to me"
"Bailey, this is my fault-"
"Stop, Skyler - I put myself here, this isn't your fault"
I started crying bare
"Come here"
I went over to him and he hugged me whilst I cried in his chest and he started to play with my hair
"Bailey, I could've lost you..."
"Skyler, I love you no matter what"
"I love you too Bailey"

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