Chapter 1028

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Jamal's POV
"Are you sure you're ready to meet my parents?" Jasmine asked
"Yh course" I smiled silently shitting bricks.
I'm going to meet Jasmine's parents today, Yh she's my girl of about 4 months now, she's perfect tbrh
She's about 5"2
Mixed race
Wears glasses
Brown curly hair
Nice body 👌🏽
Hazel eyes
And she's so smart

Kamal, my twin, is also going to meet his girlfriend tonight but he'll tell you about that later.

She opened the door and we walked into the kitchen where her parents were cooking and they looked up at us.
Her dad looked so familiar and then it clocked
"Yoo" he greeted me and gave me a man hug
"You two know eachother..?" Jasmine asked completely baffled
"Yh I'm his dad's personal trainer"
"You're Isaac Richardson Riley's personal trainer 😳"
"Yh" her dad laughed
I went to go and shake her mums hand "hi Mrs-"
"Call me Stella"
"Hi Stella"
"Hi Jamal, we've heard lots about you"
I smiled "hopefully all good things..?"
"Yes Ofc"

Kamal's POV
Kalani's mum is really nice and seems to like me which is good.
Kalani looks just like her tbh
Her dad- well, she doesn't speak about her dad so I'm not gonna ask.
Kalani is about 5"1
Brown skin
Smart af
Nice body
Curly black hair
Brown skin
Light brown eyes

We've been going out for about 3months now. She's my angel man ❤️😅
After chilling with her mum for a while, we left to meet Jamal and Jasmine and we routed to ours so they could formally meet our parents.
When we got their, mum and dad were in the kitchen.
"Yo" both me and Jamal greeted them and they looked up at us
"Hey" mum smiled
"Yo" dad greeted us "who's your friends?"
"This is my girl, Kalani"
She waved "hey"
"And mine, Jasmine"
"Nice to meet you girls"
"You too"
"Dad you know your personal trainer?"
"This is her daughter" Jamal said
"Oh rah"
We laughed and then left the room and went to our separate rooms.

Caine's POV
Anaya: 😳😳
Caine: nah on a real ting tho, you're beautiful
Anaya: oh wow, thank you 🙈
Caine: and Ik you like me so will you be my girlfriend?
Anaya: Yh Ofc ❤️
Caine: ❤️

Raven's POV
Anaya: did you tell him I liked him?
Raven: nah he asked but I didn't reply so he said he'll take the silence as a yes
Anaya: 😅😅😅
Raven: that's so cute tho, I'm happy for you
Anaya: thanks b

Caine walked in and slumped on my bed and we looked at eachother
"Ik she told -"
"AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" I started squealing which made him start laughing
"I'm happy for you"
"Thank you" he smiled
"What's all the screaming about?" Mum and dad stood in the door way
"Caine's got a girlfriend"
"Arwhhhh that's so sweet" mum cooed making Caine laugh
"Who is it?" Dad asked
They nodded
"Raven you're not allows a boyfriend btw"
I nodded
"That's not fair" mum said
"It's fine" I smiled
They nodded and left and then Caine looked at me
"What about Kairo?"
"He's with Neveah"
"They're not going out tho"
"Well it looks like it" I said going on sc and showing him Kairo and Neveah's story of them together
"It's fine Caine, me and Kairo are bestfriends and I told you he doesn't like me anyways"

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