Chapter 1023

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Isis's POV
Oh my I hate packing for holiday 😩 it's so long fr
After me and my sisters decided what we were gonna bring we went and started to pack all of our stuff ready for our flight later on. There aren't any direct flights to Fiji but the first flight is 10 hours and so is the second one.

Isaac's POV
"Kamal and Jamal!!"
They stopped in their tracks and looked at me
"Yes dad?"
"Stop running around you're gonna hurt yourselves"
They nodded their heads
"Come and choose what you wanna take on holi-" and with that they ran upstairs
This is the hyperactivity that comes with their ADHD

I walked upstairs and they were already taking out matching clothes and outfits so I went and got their suitcases out and we started to pack.

Christa's POV
Kairo wanted me to help him pack for the holiday so we were packing and chatting
"Is Raven coming?" He asked me
I smiled and nodded "mmhmm"
He smiled
"You really like her don't you?"
He smiled more and nodded again
"Arwh that's so cute"
He smiled more


Tyrell's POV
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing. I'm fine"
"I want yu to be happy babygirl, we're going on holiday later"
"I am happy"
"You know we've been married for a long time right?"
"So you kno I kno when you're lying right?"
She slightly smiled and looked up at me
"Tell me what's up..."
She sighed and handed me her phone and I started scrolling through the messages
I looked up at her and she looked away
"I thought it died down"
"That is the died down version"
I pulled her up and hugged her tightly
She sighed in my chest and I ran my hand through her hair
"Babe it's fine trust me"
"The hate is too much Tyrell. I try to ignore it but it's always there there's no escaping"
"I understand what you mean but remember, rule number one -"
"Fuck the haters"
I smiled and kissed her forehead
"That's my girl"

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