Chapter 1044

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~ few days later ~
Kamal's POV
Getting Kalani a passport seemed to be more difficult than I anticipated. Obviously when you apply for a passport both parents need to sign it and in this case, she doesn't actually know her dad and we can't really get her mum to sign it.
So basically we had to get social services involved.
We explained the whole situation to them and Kalani showed some of her bruises and that and the conclusion was basically that my parents had to adopt her for them to apply for her passport if that makes sense.
"Seriously Kamal, you don't have to-"
"Shhh; I want to"
She nodded
"Don't say it" I smiled making her laugh, I knew her next words were gonna be thank you.
I'm paying for Kalani's passport to be done and for it to be fast tracked I just need my parents to sign it and Jasmine's mum can do the counter signing and then we're all good cah she's going to her yard later today

Jamal's POV
When Kalani left to go to my girls yard, me and Kamal both got ready into that grey and blue Nike tracky and white air forces. We're going Westfield today for no reason at all we just go places together tbh ✌🏽
It's actually pure entertainment when me and Kamal go somewhere because everyone just stares like they've never seen twins before. Or because they think we're peng 🤔 or both 😅😏
Ik I say I'm better looking than Kamal but ok my life we look exactly the same. Literally the same. That's why most time we avoid wearing the same clothes so people can actually tell us apart.
School is just 😴 they just give up calling our names. We can literally swap names for a day at school and no one would clock apart from the squad.
We got an uber to the tube station and then when we hopped on the tube and there were a group of 4 girls preeing hard. Both me and Kamal and sat opposite them.
"Excuse me"
Me and Kamal looked up at them
"Yo" we both said and they started giggling for some reason..? 😅
"You're peng"
"Thanks" we both replied again and they started laughing again 😅
"Lol I follow you on Insta" one of them smiled
"Same" the rest added
Me and Kamal laughed
"Swear down?" I said
I nodded
"Can we get your snaps?"
We took their phones and added are joints and gave them back
When the tube stopped at North Greenwich the girls said bye and got off, they were obviously going o2.

When the tube reached Stratford we got off and wen in Westfield
The staring was quite funny, we couldn't help but laugh tbh.
Quite a lot of girls approached us tbh and they all say the same thing
"Ahhh I follow you on Insta can you follow me back?"
"Can I have your snap?"
"You're peng youkno"
"Do you have a girlfriend?"
"You two look maddddd alike youkno"

The dumbest question we get tho is "are you twins?"
Come on mate you don't just have a friend that looks exactly the same as you 🤕

We shopped in like true religion, Levi and alla them places and went to eat in GBK

Caine's POV
Raven walked in and slumped on my bed whilst i played ps4
"Ik you lipsed Kairo when we went beach"
I paused my game and looked back at her
She looked back at her phone
"Raven y-"
"Caine Ik" she sighed
"Then why did you do-"
"I can't help it" she sighed again "Ik I'm not allowed but it's not really fair is it. You get to have a girlfriend, why am I not allowed to have a boyfriend?"
"Because what?"
"A lot of things could happen"
"Name one thing apart from me getting pregnant. Not that I'm even ready to beat"
"You could get your heart broken"
"By Kairo?"
I shrugged "you already know he has cattys for days"
She rolled her eyes and left the room
I sighed, it's for the best tbh

Raven's POV
I got ready and pulled my hair up into a ponytail, put on my shoes, grabbed a coat and then walked downstairs
"Where you going?" Mum asked
"To see my bestie"
I nodded
"Well quick before your dad comes back upstairs from the gym"
I smiled and gave mum a hug, kissed her cheek and then made my way.

When I got there I rang the doorbell and then he answered and he looked surprised to see me
"Hey bestie" he smiled which made me smile
"Hey" I replied giving him a hug, his scent going straight up my nose. Mmm he smells so good.

We walked up to his room and I slumped onto his bed whilst he played Fifa
"Whats good b?"
"Nothing really"
"Why what's up?"
"My dad and Caine are too overprotective"
"Caine said that he knows that me and you lipsed at the beach and then he just started saying how i ain't allows to do that and how I'm not allowed to be in a relationship and it's just annoying. How comes he's allows to have a girl and I'm not"
He paused his game and came to sit with me
"It's only cos they're naturally worried about you because your a girl"

Kairo's POV
She sighed again and looked down into her lap.
I lifted her head by her chin to gave me
"I ain't gonna break your heart babe"
She smiled and I slowly leaned in to kiss her lips.
We made out for a while and kissing her feels good if I'm honest with you.
When she pulled away I pecked her lips once more and she smiled
"Kairo-" she looked away
"Yh Ik we're not meant to but..."
"I can't help it" I said running I hand down my waves
She smiled more and gave me a hug and so I hugged her back
"So where do your parents think you went?"
"My mum knows I'm here. She's like the only one okay with alla this. She thinks it's cute and that"
He smiled "good. Well I guess we're just gonna have to wait for the green light from your dad and your brother and then we can officially be together"
She sighed and looked down

Raven's POV
"It's calm b" he soothed and placed a hand on my thigh
Idk why but it sent instanteous butterflies into my stomach and i just started feeling weird down there if you get what I mean 👀...
I smiled and looked away.
He rubbed my thigh and then went back to playing his game
"Thanks" he said
"Showing me where your weak spot is" he smirked turning around to face me
I couldn't help but laugh and I felt my face start to burn

Caine's POV
"Mum where's my twin?"
"she went to her friends house"
"Who's her friend?"
"Probably Jasmine's house or she might've gone to see my parents"
"She's gone Kairo's house innit"
"What? Course not..."
"Alright, but don't tell your dad"
"But mum-"
"She's not gonna do anything stupid, you kno your twin"
"Ik but still"
"Just leave her to be happy Caine, she's in love"
I sighed and allowed it

Kairo's POV
"Lemme walk you home, it's getting late"
"I only live 2 roads from here" she giggled
I smiled "better safe than sorry"
She smiled and she said bye to my younger sister and parents and then we routed.
She held onto my hand and we just walked to her house in a comfortable silence.

When we got near I turned to her and she looked up at me
"You're so beautiful"
She smiled looking down "thank you"
"I love you Rae"
"I love you too Kairo"
I leaned down and kissed her lips and my hands moved down to her FAT ass and grabbed it making her giggle and pull away. I kissed her forehead
"See you later b"
"Bye Kairo"

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