Chapter 870

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Aaliyah's POV
I woke up and sat up in bed, I was really agitated and the babies were moving around a lot.
"ahh" I quietly groaned whilst tying my hair into a pony tail.
I pushed myself outta bed and looked at the time; 5:30am
I went into the bathroom and did my hygiene. Half way through, Tyrell walked in
"babe, do you know what time it is?" he yawned
I smiled, he's so cute
I nodded "yh, I wanna go hospital"
"what? why?"
"feeling really agitated, and I'm getting these slight contractions"
He nodded and brushed his teeth while I showered.

Tyrell's POV
I spat and turned around to Aaliyah who was looking down
"My waters"
"Oh rah"
She left the water on for me and climbed out the shower. I slapped her ass making her giggle and she went to get dressed


By the time we got to the hospital, it was 7:30am. Aaliyah wanted a water birth and all natural which was find by me.

"Babe, do you want breakfast?"
"oo yh, I really fancy toast - with jam"
I smiled and went to get us some breakfast while notifying the relevant people that Aaliyah has gone into labour.
I went back to our room and we ate breakfast together and took some pictures and made snaps.


We had some visitors, the family and the squad and Aaliyah seemed more nervous. When Tiana came to check on Aaliyah and do a scan, they left the room, apart from mum (her mum).
"why do you look so nervous?" I asked her
"Why haven't they come yet, it's been 6 and a half hours"
"Some people have longer labours than others" mum said running her hand through her hair
"Everything is good Aaliyah, it's just gonna take some time"
She nodded and Tiana left the room.

"Go to sleep babe" I said as Aaliyah yawned. She nodded and got comfortable in the hospital bed.

Samantha's POV
I watched as Tyrell tucked Aaliyah in and smiled
"you guys are cute"
He smiled "thanks mum"
I smiled and then we sat on the chairs on the other side of the room
"Tyrell, I think this is gonna be a long and hard labour for Aaliyah" I said honestly
He nodded "I was thinking the same thing, but Ik she can do it" he looked over at Aaliyah and smiled which made me smile.


Everyone went home and said they'll check in on us later, Jayden took the triplets home so it was just me, India, Tyrell and Aaliyah.
"arghhhhhh" Aaliyah groaned closing her eyes "it's been 12 hours now" she moaned looking at the clock
Tyrell sat behind her and rubbed her back and kissed her neck which relaxed her. They're actually so cute. I took a picture of them on my phone and then both their phones
"Do you wanna get in the water?" I asked her and she nodded
I started running warm water into the tub and then Tyrell took Aaliyah to the bathroom to help her change. Shortly after they came back and Tyrell helped her get in and he got it with her. He sat behind her and rubbed her stomach whilst she leaned herself against him with her eyes shut. I snapped more pictures of them together.

Tyrell's POV
Everytime Aaliyah got small contractions, I felt her body get tense on me and she grabbed my legs with her hands.
Tianna came back in and told Aaliyah that if she feels any big contractions she can start to push and Ik that made her even more nervous than she already was.
"relax babe, we got this" I whispered in her ear and she nodded
"ARGHHHHHH AHHHHHH!" She screamed grabbing onto me
She rested her head on the side of the tub "it hurts too much" she sounded close to tears
I rubbed her back "they'll be here soon baby"

Contraction after contraction came, push after push and still nothing
"Am I not doing it right"
"Aaliyah you're doing a great job" My mum said
"yh you are"
Another contraction came and Aaliyah pushed her hardest whilst holding onto me.


Aaliyah's POV
I was getting really restless now and I'm so tired. I'm trying my hardest atm
"ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I groaned so loud it made Tiana come back into the room
I pushed again and again and again
Tiana ran out which made me think that something went wrong but I carried on nervously pushing. Tiana came back in with Rhianna and I pushed and pushed and pushed.

Finally the first one was here and I wanted to stop but I kept going
"I can't" I said leaning onto Tyrell. He squeezed my hand
"you can baby, you're nearly there"
"Last one now Aaliyah" mum encouraged
I pushed and pushed and pushed and finally the last one was here and they took them away.
I swear they're meant to give them to me first..?
"why are they not crying?" No-one replied to me
My eyes watered. I did not just go through a 14 hour labour for something bad to happen
"Mum why are they not crying"
"Give it a minute" she soothed and I slowly nodded and squeezed Tyrell's hand and he squeeze mine back.

A few moments later, I heard the cries of my babies and I was so happy and relieved that I started crying myself. Me and Tyrell climbed out the tub, dried ourselves and wrapped ourselves in dressing gowns and my babies got handed to me. I looked down at them and they are actually so beautiful
"Which one came first?" Tyrell asked
"the boy"
I smiled
"Caine and Raven"

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