Chapter 900

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~ weekend~

Dylan's POV
Angel's funeral is today and Ik it's breaking Amirah. She got ready in silence and I just didn't know what to say to her. It was gonna be a small funeral just a few friends and family. We drove down in silence and when we arrived, the majority of people were already here. We walked in and Amirah looked and the small casket at the front and just burst into tears and my eyes started to water. I held her hand and we walked to our seats
"yes son?"
"is that Angel?" he asked pointing at the casket

I smiled and nodded my head
"can I see her?"
I thought for a moment and then nodded my head again. I took his hand and we walked to the front. I picked him up so he could see into the casket
"she's pretty"

I smiled "yh she's beautiful"
Devonate started to cry and I rocked him in my arms
"I wanna play with her daddy" he cried and I didn't know what to say so I just rocked him in my arms and we went back to sit down. Devontae went and sat next to Isiah which seemed to cheer him up a bit. I held Amirah close to me as she cried silent tears.

Isis's POV
We got to see Angel at the end of the service and she actually is such a beautiful baby. I can't believe she actually passed away so young. Dylan and Amirah looked so upset, especially Mirah.

When the coffin was going into the ground, Amirah cried bareeeee. Like propa. She didn't wanna have an after party so we all just went home after.

Dylan's POV
Ajay said that he would take Devontae so he could stay with Isiah which was fine by me. When we got home, Mirah just sat on the bed looking down at her feet
I stood infront of her and just pulled her up into a hug and she cried in my chest and I cried to
I didn't even know what to say to her.

Jaydene's POV
My heart broke for Dylan and Amirah today and I can tell that Amirah is really hurting. She didn't speak to anyone today, she just cried silent tears and stared into space. I feel so bad for them. The sad thing is that Ik Mirah is not gonna wanna try for another child because of what happened. Like when I miscarried, I didn't wanna try again in case it happened again. Mirah had a really hard birth with Devontae and with Angel so I highly doubt she would risk going through it again

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