Chapter 978

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Skyler's POV
I rang the doorbell and Carletta answered to me.
"¡Hola Linda!"
(Hi pretty girl!)
I smiled "¡Hola!"
"Bailey is down in the basement"
I smiled "thank you"
I went downstairs and Bailey was sitting in a game chair playing uncharted or suin like that
He paused his game and turned to me
"Hola bebé" he smiled at me making me smile
I sat down on the sofa and he was about to quit his game
"What you doing?"
"I feel mad anti playing this whilst you're here"
I chuckled "no, continue"
"You sure?"
"Mmhmm" I smiled
He nodded and continued to play his game.
He's so peng 😩
"Your voice is breaking btw"
He smiled abit "do you like that?"
"Mmmhmm, you're gonna sound so sexy"
He chuckled and lightly shook his head
"Aren't you hot?" I asked
"You're wearing a hoody"
"Nah I'm good still"
"You su-"
"How's you're puppy?" He asked changing the subject...
"Oh erm, he's good, he's so cute"
He smiled and nodded "Yh but I'm your favourite"
I didn't say anything
I didn't reply
He paused his game and looked at me "right?"
"Oh rah it's like that yh? Ok ok" he nodded and continued to play his game
I laughed "baby I'm joking"
He nodded once
I went and sat on his lap facing him blocking his game
"Baby I'm joking"
He lifted his head showing he wanted a kiss so I leaned down and kissed his soft pink lips and he pushed his tongue into my mouth making me get butterflies.
Our tongues rubbed and I slowly pulled away
"I love you"
He smiled "I love you too baby girl"

Samantha's POV
"Aaliyah I'm proud of you" I smiled giving her a hug
She nodded "thanks mum"
"I don't think I would be able to do that" I said honestly
She smiled and nodded again
"What's up?" I asked her. She seemed really uneasy
"Erm it's just the hate. It's getting worse and worse everyday"
"Aaliyah you knew from when you were younger that people hate on you. Look how beautiful you are - thanks to me and you're dad, mostly me" I flicked my hair
"Debatable" Jayden said
Aaliyah started to laugh and then she nodded her head.
She thought for a moment "I can't hack it" she nodded her head "I can hack this" she repeated
I smiled and gave her a big hug
"That's my girl"

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