Chapter 877

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Dylan's POV
Ajay and Imani left with their kids after bout 2 hours. It was getting late so I bathed Devonate and put him to bed and then went to check on Amirah
"What was that all about?" I asked her
"Earlier, when you walked out the room"
She looked down into her lap and then shrugged her shoulders. I sat down next to her
"Amirah speak to me"
"I'm scared" She said so quietly
She looked up at me "you know why, the last time it was so bad and it doesn't seem to be going any better now. What if something happens to her... or me?" She shook her head and looked back down. I hugged her close to me
"babygirl, it's gonna be fine, I got you, I know you can do this"
She shook her head again and tears started to roll "Dylan, I can't"
"babygirl, you can"

Rio's POV
I just put Rasharn and Tamera to sleep. I walked back into our bedroom to Aysia who has been so quiet today
"Babe, you've been really quiet today"
She cleared her throat before looking back up at me "have I?"
"yh, is everything okay?"
"I'm fine Rio" she said and then went downstairs into the kitchen and I followed her down. She boiled the kettle and as she was going to open the cupboard for a mug I shut it back again and stood directly infront of her. She looked up into my face
"What's wrong?" I asked her "and don't lie"
She sighed "idk Rio, I just don't feel myself"
I put my arms around her waist and pulled her close to me
"I'm always here if you wanna talk though Aysia, you don't have to keep your problems to yourself, I'm here so that you can tell me"
She looked down and I lifted her head by her chin so that she looked at me
"babe, you can tell me anything and everything, okay?"
She nodded her head and then hugged me putting her head in my chest.
"Aysia you know I love you right?"
She nodded and then pulled away "I love you too"

~ next day ~

Jayda's POV
Same routine, I can't wait until the weekend so I can just sleep.
Me and the triplets have the maddest time table
Monday after school we have ballet
Tuesday after school we have football with the school team
Wednesday after school we have gymnastics
Thursday after school we have dance, like we're contemporary dancers
Friday after school we normally have some form of modelling to do and then we have weekends free.
Me and my sisters have made ourselves a time table so we can fit in things like homework etc. Sunday is strictly for homework and sometimes we do homework on Friday's.
We also like to say healthy because we are models and also because you should just stay healthy in general so I think that all the activities that we do really help with that.
The only down side to being a model and the fact that we model for popular brands is that a lot of people recognise us. That's kinda annoying when starting a new school because it's like you wanna go and make a good name for yourself but everyone thinks they already know you because they've seen pictures of you. The fact that my mum is Samantha Richardson Riley, my dad is Jayden Richardson Riley and my brother is Isaac Richardson Riley just makes people think that we're stuck up. Like I can just tell by the way people look at us, but I ignore it.

Me and my sisters have learnt through all the modelling that there are gonna be people out their that do not like us and we're fine with that. That's one thing mum made sure we knew. I'm fine about people not liking me because I come from a rich family or because I model or because they don't think I'm pretty. I aint gonna change for them, imma just do me, ygm?

Me being the oldest out of me and the rest of triple threat, I have become really observant. Ik I'm not the oldest by that much by I am still very much the oldest.
I love being a triplet. It's like we can tell when one of us are coming or we can know what each of us are thinking. It's kinda mad tbh

I wonder if they know what I've been thinking..?


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