Chapter 1014

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Samantha's POV
I don't think you understand how much I love NYC! It's actually amazing.
Me and Jayden had settled into where we were staying and it started getting late
I looked over at him "I'm not allowed to work whilst we're out here am I?"
He chuckled "course you can, I don't want you missing any job opportunities but I don't want you to be working all the time" he pulled me close to him "I wanna spend some time with you"
My stomach flushed with butterflies and I looked away
He lifted my chin up to face him "alright?"
I smiled and nodded my head
"good" he replied pulling me in for a kiss

~ next day~

Renae's POV
I decided to try once more, I didn't want to but at the same time I knew I couldn't just give up on everything.
I did my hygiene and then routed Mason's yard.
When I got near, I started panicking - I don't know why; I just felt so uneasy, as if this was all going to go wrong

I was about to ring the doorbell but the door opened as if my arrival was expected. I looked up and I knew it wasn't
"erm well, bye Mason" she smiled and hugged him
"bye Nyah" he hugged her back
She smiled at me and then left his house.
I stared at him hard as I silently chocked on my tears.
I turned around to walk away but he grabbed me back and into his house locking the door behind us.

He walked into his kitchen, expecting me to follow behind but I didn't. I leaned against the door as my eyes continued to water and the tears started to stream.
"Renae" he called but I didn't reply
He walked back into the hallway and looked at me
"why you crying?" I started to unlock the door but he came over and shut it again
"why you crying?" he repeated
"because-" I cleared my throat "Mason, you know how much I am in love with you. Like we're both aware of that. I've been pouring my heart out to you day after day and you've just shut me out and ignored me for no reason at all. You flirt with other girls in front of me just to spite me and I try to brush it off like I don't care but deep inside I do. I really care about you Mason and you know I do and I feel like you're just taking advantage of that because you know that I'll always be there for you. You know that you can always run back to me and I will be there. You know you can do a ting with other bitches and I will always be there for you" I took a deep breath "You've shut me out and left me clueless for weeks. And for what?! NOTHING!! Tell me why. I want an explanation for why you have been acting like this. WHY?!"
He just looked down at his feet
"TELL ME WHY?!" I said in tears
I started hitting his chest as the tears just streamed. He grabbed my wrists and held them so I stopped and I just cried. I had to look away because I knew that he would kiss me and he's not getting away with this so easily
"Renae, I'm sorry"
"Why was Nyah here?" I asked completely disregarding his apology
"I tutor her-"
"okay and the truth would be nice right now" I sighed
"She gave me uck"
I pulled my arms away from him. I looked up at him for a brief moment and then looked away
"Renae, don't be mad -"
"Hear me out. She's a hoe and yes I took advantage of that and allowed her to suck my dick. No I didn't get you to suck my dick because I know you aint ready to do that so there's no need for me to rush you. Yes Ik I could get more than uck from you but I let her give me head and you aint no uckers so I don't see why I would make you do that... No I don't have a reason why I shut you out and ignored you for like 3 weeks. I don't know what to say to you, idk why I done that to you and I'm so sorry to see it hurt you so badly. I do love you Ren and I'm sorry for the way I've been making you feel"

I looked up at him dead in the eyes and he started to wipe my tears away
"I'm sorry babygirl" he softly said coming closer to me and my stomach flushed with butterflies
I moved back and attempted unlocking the front door again but he closed it back.

I sighed inwardly and flicked my shoes off and going to sit cross-legged on the sofa in the living room and he went into the kitchen.

Mason's POV
I sighed and boiled the kettle
I fucked up big time tbh with you
I know she's forgiven me but she won't admit it because she wants me to try harder and prove that I am really sorry - which I don't really mind
I made her some hot chocolate with the mini marshmallows and whipped cream because it's one of her comfort foods.
I went into the living room and handed her the mug and she started to sip from it. I sat on the sofa opposite her and watched as she avoided all eye contact with me
"Ren, I realise that I've have been a prick and I am really really sorry but I love you to bits Princess"
Her eyes locked with mine and then she looked away and continued drinking her hot chocolate

This is gonna me some hard work

Skyler's POV
He looked up at me "mm?"
"I am so proud of you- like I am really proud of you babes"
He smiled and kissed my lips and we started to make out
He pulled away and looked down at me "thank you babes"
I started to blush and I looked away but he lifted my chin to face him
"I'm proud of you aswell babes"
"Thank you"

The fact that Bailey hasn't cut for a very long time makes me so happy because I know it's hard for him but he's staying strong and I couldn't be more proud

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