Chapter 1035

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Kairo's POV
I knocked on her bedroom door
"Come in"
She smiled at me "hey Kairo"
"Hey Rae you good?"
"Yh yu?"
"I'm good" I said sitting on her bed "we need to speak"
"Fire away"

Raven's POV
"I really like you. Like I always have. Since we were younger"
My heart was in my throat, idk if I'm hearing correctly
"And Ik you like me..."
I didn't say anything
"And Ik we're bestfriends but I wanna be more than that"
"Erm- I - um" I took a deep breath "you chat to hella cattys tho, I thought you liked Neveah..." I looked away
"Ik I do and I'll cut them all off... For you. If you just give me the chance..?"'
I looked into his eyes and and he was being genuine.
I slowly nodded my head making him smile and give me the biggest hug.
He pulled away and the kissed my lips and oh my life it was magical.
My eyes shut and out tongues rubbed and I got this really weird feeling in my stomach.
He pulled away and then smiled at me biting his lip.
"You're beautiful man"
My face instantly started to burn and I looked away "thank you... Kairo I'm not allowed a boyfriend-"
He chuckled "I haven't asked you out yet"
I laughed and nudged him
"I'm joking, Ik you're not but soon"
I smiled and nodded
"Well I gotta go and sort some things out. Speak to you later?"
I nodded
He smiled and kissed my forehead and then left.
I got up and ran into Caine's room
He looked at me weird
"Sorry, Ik I didn't knock-"
"It's fine" he chuckled "whatsup"
"Kairo kissed me"
"Just now"
"Is he still here?"
I shook my head and he nodded once
"You know you're not allowed a boyfriend right?"
I nodded
"Alright, so he told you he likes you?"
I nodded again
"What about the cattys?"
"He said he'll cut them off"
"Good. I hope you know I'm gonna speak to him right"
"Yh Ofc" I smiled and kissed his cheek
I giggled and went downstairs to mum and dad who were in the garden
"Me and Kairo kissed"
They both looked at me
"Just now" I continued sitting down
"Are you going out?" Dad asked
"No... I'm not allowed a boyfriend"
He nodded
"Tell me about it then" mum smiled making me smile
"It was magical mum. Seriously. Like I got this really weird feeling in my stomach and everything"
"You really like him don't you?"
I nodded "I didn't even think he likes me like that"
"Well you find out something knew everyday"

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