Chapter 885

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Renae's POV
I just had some big conversation with my parents about boys. Mum seems to be okay with me ever starting to have feelings for someone. Dad however, he is rolling rules and regulation off his tongue. I agreed, obviously, he's only doing it to protect me and I love and respect my dad so it's okay.
The week has flown by tbh. It's Friday tomorrow and triple threat are going cinema on Saturday with Riley Jayce and Bailey.
They invited me and Mason but I haven't decided whether to go or not. Mason wants me to come and he's really cute but I'm still not sure if I should go or not.

I was talking to mum and dad about the whole Bailey situation and they think that I could end up moving on to somebody else and I agreed with them.
Mum thinks that I should start speaking to Mason more and dad doesn't wanna be involved.

After school today, I'm enroute Tyrell house because I wanted to talk to him about it aswell.
"Renae, boys come and go and go and your only in year 7 so more will come your way and you're a beautiful girl so they will come, that doesn't mean that you're allowed to have a boyfriend"
I smiled "thanks Tyrell"
"By the sound of it, I think Mason is feeling you negl"
"umm, idk..."
"and I think you're feeling him too"
I looked up at him "I don't think-"
"You do it's fine" he smiled at me
"I don't know"
"You'll know soon"

Friday ~
Jayda's POV
Mum picked us up from school to route straight to the Riley studios so we could do some modelling for her. It's getting close to winter now so I guess we were modelling the new winter clothes. When we got there, we said hi to everyone and then mum showed us all the new clothes and they look so good. Obviously we all get free clothes and mum gets baby and children's clothes for all my nieces and nephews.
We went to Sam to get our hair done. We don't really wear alot of makeup whenn we take pictures. Just eyeliner, mascara and eyebrow pencil. The fleek is actually maddddd.
We started shooting at about 5:10 and finished at like 7 and made our way home.

Tyrell's POV
Aaliyah packed her things ready to go to the spa with Rhea. The kids were kinda confused as to why she wasn't coming back but in the end they were fine with it.
Right now they were in the playroom colouring in the walls and leaving hand prints. I'm glad they understand that that's the only room they can do it in.
I heard Ciara starting to cry on the baby monitor so I went up to check on her. She's actually so beautiful. I rocked her in my arms and she smiled up at me causing me to smile back.

Amirah's POV
It's been really tough. Like really really tough. This pregnancy is making me feel like I'm dying. I'm sick all the time. I'm heavily pregnant and I really don't know why this is happening to me again. I want to have the baby now.
"Dylan!" I called waddling out of the room
"yh?" he came running up the stairs
"please, I can't take this anymore, I want her out now"
"You wanna go hospital?"
"yh we can drop Devontae off at my parent's house"

He nodded and then we got everything ready and then routed out

To Be Continued...

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