Chapter 873

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Tyrell's POV
I woke up this morning and Aaliyah looked really tired so I left her to sleep. I got ready and then put on a black and red ralph tracky and then went to wake up the kids.
I helped Caine Raven and Ranelle in the shower and then helped Raven and Caine put on their school uniform and put Ranelle in a blue polo, blue jeans and timberland boots. I brushed her up into a ponytail and made them go downstairs for breakfast. I went and checked on Ciara and she was still asleep.
"What do you guys want for breakfast?" I asked walking into the living room
"COCO POPS!" They cheered
I smiled and went to make them all a bowl of cereal and helped them climb up on the counter seats to eat. When they were down I strapped them into the back of the Audi and drove the twins to school first. We got out and they ran over to their cousins, Kamal and Jamal. Isaac was surrounded by people asking for pictures and autographs. Ranelle went over to Jarell who was with Rhea and I greeted them all.
"Nice goal yesterday!" Some guy said
"Thank you" I smiled and then people started coming over asking for my autograph and pictures. Soon both Andy and Jordan had arrived and the same thing was happening to them. When it was time for the kids to go inside, we said our goodbyes and all the parents started to leave, finally and we made our way back home.

When I got home I went to check on Ciara and she was still sound asleep. I smiled down at her and went to my queen. As I was walking into the room Aaliyah was walking out the bathroom
"hey babygirl"
She looked up at me and the walked right back into the bathroom.
I raised an eyebrow and walked over to the bathroom and knocked on the door.
I kept knocking and calling but she never replied so I just left her to be alone for a while. I went to Ciara and she was waking up so I picked her up and rocked her in my arms. She started to wimper so I laid her down on her changing mat to change her and she seemed more relaxed. She started to wimper again.
"ahh do you want mummy?" I said walking into our bedroom and Aaliyah was sat up in bed and handed Ciara to her and she started to breast feed her
"Are you gonna tell me what's wrong now?" I asked her and she just looked up at me and then back down to Ciara.
"Im fine Tyrell"
I sat down next to her "Aaliyah, please"
She sniffed "I was just thinking"
"being raped"
"Tyrell I can't help it" she sighed and started to cry
I hugged her tight to me "babygirl, its okay. He's in prison now. I got you"
She put her face in my chest and cried abit as she held Ciara
"It's okay baby, it's okay"

Isis's POV
Me and my sisters were walking through school, it was break now.
"Triple threat"
I looked back knowing it was Riley and Jayce because that's what they call us. We gave them all hugs and we walked outside with them.
"Where's Renae?" I asked
No-one seemed to know but then I saw her walking towards us and we all hugged and greeted her.

They boys started to play football. Our squad consists of me and my sisters, Renae, Jayce, Riley, Mason and Bailey.
Our squad is goals tbrh
I like school, it's so relaxed.
For now anyways

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