Chapter 972

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~ week later ~
Isis's POV
Dad picked us up from school today ☺️
"Oh Yh, I got you guys suin" he said
"What?!!!" We all said at once
He chuckled "wait till we get home"
Ooooo I'm anxious now 😩😩
"Give us a clue" Jayda asked
"Erm" he started "you'll like it" he started laughing
"That's not even a clue" Skyler said
"Well we're nearly home now so you'll soon find out"
"Bailey's voice is breaking more" Skyler smiled
"So's Riley's"
"So's Jayce's"
Me and Jayda said at the same time
"It sounds so peng" I smiled leaning back in the chair
"Ahlie" my sisters agreed
Dad shook his head and we all laughed
He unlocked the door and we all walked in. We said hi to mum and then looked at dad so he could show us what he had gotten us.
"Nah go change outta your uniform"
He laughed "go on"
We went upstairs had a shower and then changed into basketball shorts and a v neck top.
We sat on the sofa in the living room
"Close your eyes, don't look"
We all said covering our eyes

A few moments later, what felt like a box was placed onto my lap
"Open your eyes"
I looked down to a box with bare holes and I gasped instantly.
I took the lid off to see the cutest Labrador retriever puppy
He smiled "np" as him and mum put us on snapchat.
I picked up the puppy and placed it on my lap.
"Girls or boys?"
"Boys" dad said
Me and my sisters snapped our new puppies
Caption: OMDZ thanks dad 😩❤️
"What you naming them?" Mum asked
"Ermmm" we all thought for a while.
"Alright Let's name them after brands" Jayda said
"Yhyh" me and Skye agreed
"Alright, I'm calling mine Diesel" Jayda smiled
"Hmmm, I'm calling mine Levi"
"Armani" I smiled
Mum and dad laughed
"They're semi trained" dad said "so you guys have to do the rest"
We nodded "alright"
"And I don't wanna see any piss or shit on my floor boards or carpets"
"Jayden!" Mum hit his arm
We laughed "alright"
"Good" he nodded.
The puppies started barking and we put them on sc telling everyone what we have decided to call them.
They're so cute 😩

"Thanks dad" we said again "Np girls" he replied And then we went upstairs

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"Thanks dad" we said again
"Np girls" he replied
And then we went upstairs

Renae's POV
Relationship with my parents haven't gotten any better tbh. We just ain't on talking terms. When I come home I just mind my own business.
Me and Mason are still together. We went on a date the other day and it was just great
I love him bare. His voice is breaking more too and it sounds so peng 👀😍

Aaliyah's POV
My first interview is tomorrow about what's been in the magazines and I'm kinda nervous.
It's not even like its died down, it's still very much out there.
I don't really leave the house much because I find it so awkward to speak to people, especially strangers about the whole situation.
I looked up at Ciara coming out of my thoughts. (Ciara is 3years old)
"Hey baby"
She smiled and waddled over to me and I picked her up.
"You okay?" I asked her
She nodded "where's daddy?" She asked
"Erm" I turned and looked at the clock "idk princess, do you wanna phone him?"
She smiled and nodded "yes please mummy"
I smiled and took my phone out to call Tyrell and put it on loud speaker
"Babe?" He answered
"Daddy!!" Ciara smiled
"Hi princess, you good?"
"Yh, where are you daddy?"
"I'm buying a few things, imma be home soon okay?"
"Yes daddy, see you later"
"Bye princess" he chuckled.
Ciara slid out my arms and ran outta the room
"Hey babe"
"You good?"
"Yh I'm fine"
"Mmhmm, We'll speak when I get home"
I smiled weakly "alright, laters"
*locked off*

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